Speedvale underpass trail

Trans Canada Trail expansion to the west side of Riverside Park

The Guelph community has expressed a desire to include an underpass at the Speedvale Bridge and a trail extension that would connect the Trans Canada Trail to Riverside Park on the west side of the Speed River.

On November 27, 2017, Council gave staff the direction to report back to Council in 2018 on alternative trail design options within the identified study area on the west side of the river. Alternative trail design options would have no minimum design criteria and would need to comply with the Official Plan, Zoning By-law and any provincial legislation.

Speedvale Underpass staff report (Page 51)

Open house

On September 13, staff held an open house to share the outcome of their work and present a design concept to the community.

The information presented included a recommended trail alignment of the north and south trail sections, the underpass and a potential interim solution. Attendees were invited to provide their feedback.

Open house display panels

Open house PowerPoint presentation

Investigated options

Speed River Retaining Wall Report



Speedvale Avenue Bridge – Trails Linkage Project presentation – June 21, 2017

Speedvale Avenue Bridge Trails Linkage Project: Scoped Environmental Impact Study report, August 4, 2017


Figure1: Study Area Ecological Land Classification, Aquatic Sampling and Trail Alignments

Figure 2A: South Side Trail Options1 and 2

Figure 2B: South Side Trail Options 3 and 4

Figure 2C: North Side Trail Options1 and 2

Figure 3: Significant Wildlife

Figure 4: Butternut Locations and Trail Alignments

Figure 5: Speedvale Bridge Preliminary General Arrangement, June 2013


Preliminary Trail Option – August 4, 2017


Appendix 1: Terms of Reference and comments

Appendix 2: Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry request for information

Appendix 3: Site Investigation Details

Appendix 4: Ecological Land Classification Datasheets

Appendix 5: Vascular Plant List

Appendix 6: Background Wildlife List

Appendix 7: Breeding bird results and evidence codes

Appendix 8: Significant Wildlife Habitat Assessment

Appendix 9: Species at Risk Habitat Assessment

Appendix 10: Aquatic Assessment

Appendix 11: Grand River Conservation Authority Fish Records

Appendix 12: Glossary of Terms and Impact Ratings

Appendix 13: Tree Inventory impact analysis and comparison of options (R2)

Appendix 14: City of Guelph Staff Report

Appendix 15: Butternut Hybridity Test Results

Appendix 16: Speedvale Avenue Trail Geomorph AquaLogic, May 22, 2017

Appendix 17: Geotechnical Investigation and Speedvale Slope Stability Assessment

Appendix 18: Retaining Wall Structural Assessment Report (Draft)

Appendix 19: Draft Hydraulic Assessment

Appendix 19: Drawing 1, Existing bridge versus proposed bridge comparison

Appendix 19: Drawing 2,  Trail North 1 and South 1, 2, 3 and 4 options

Appendix 19: Drawing 3, Trail North 2 and South 1, 2, 3 and 4 options

For more information

Jyoti Pathak, Park Planner
Open Space Planning, Parks and Recreation
City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 2431
[email protected]