
cars parked side by side in a parking lot

Guelph parking regulations

  • Do not leave a vehicle parked for more than 48 consecutive hours on any street or in the East or West Parkades.
  • Vehicles parked in a space reserved for the physically disabled must display an accessible parking permit.
  • Do not park a vehicle in a non-designated area or in any aisle or roadway.
  • On-street parking is restricted from December 1 to March 31 to allow for snow removal and emergency vehicles. Short-term overnight on-street parking exemptions are available for residents outside the downtown area.
  • In our Downtown, residents are encouraged to use municipal parking lots for all overnight parking (including for guests). Overnight on-street parking is not permitted from December 1 to March 31.

Winter overnight on-street parking exemption

In this section…

For more information

519-822-1260 press 0
[email protected]