Get a marriage licence

Due to the high, seasonal volume – we are unable to accommodate requests for marriage licences on short notice. Marriage licence issuing appointments are being booked two to four weeks into the future.

Before you begin

Getting married is a two-step process that involves:

  1. Applying for and getting your marriage licence.
  2. Having a marriage ceremony within three months of getting your marriage licence. A marriage ceremony includes your marriage licence document, a registered or civil marriage officiant, and at least two witnesses.

You need to be at least 16 years old to get married in Ontario.

If you are under 18 years old, you will need written consent from both your parents. You can request a consent form by emailing [email protected].

Informal, spiritual, or symbolic ceremonies

The Marriage Act contains subsection 31, “Marriages solemnized in Good Faith”. This means the City can’t issue a marriage licence or perform a marriage ceremony after another ceremony has taken place. This includes an informal, spiritual, or symbolic ceremony, e.g. destination wedding, or a ceremony performed by an unregistered officiant. (This is not applicable to previous marriages that have ended through divorce/annulment/death.)

Couples will need to get legal advice from a family lawyer. The family lawyer can assist with getting the marriage ceremony you already had validated through the courts.

Getting married at Guelph City Hall

Civil marriage ceremonies are a limited, part-service provided by the City for couples who are looking for a small, simple, non-religious ceremony at City Hall. Desired dates and times for these marriage ceremonies cannot be guaranteed.

Visit civil marriage ceremonies for more information and to complete an intake application.

Complete your application

  1. Download and complete your marriage licence application form
  2. Print the completed form and sign (must be original, ink signatures for both applicants) and date the form.

Get a marriage licence application form

Gather your documents

Below are the documents you must provide to apply for a marriage licence.  All the documents will be returned to you.


You and your partner both need two (2) pieces of original, government-issued identification. One piece of identification for each of you must include your photo.  The names on both pieces of identification must match.  Examples include:

  • birth certificate, including any change of name certificates
  • valid driver’s licence
  • valid passport
  • Canadian Citizenship card
  • record of immigrant landing
  • valid Ontario photo health card
  • valid Ontario Photo Card

Documents in a language other than English or French must be translated by a certified translator. The certified translation must be submitted with the original piece of identification.

Divorce documents

If you or your partner were married before, you will need to provide divorce documents when you apply.

Divorced IN Canada

You will need to submit proof of the divorce when you apply for your marriage licence.  This can be the original or court-certified copy of a:

  • Decree Absolute
  • Certificate of Divorce

You can get these documents from the courthouse where the divorce was granted.

Divorced OUTSIDE Canada

If you were divorced outside of Canada, you will need to send documents to ServiceOntario to prove you are no longer married. Once ServiceOntario has confirmed your documents, they will send you a Foreign Divorce Authorization to Issue a Marriage Licence letter.  This process can take up to 4 weeks and must be completed before you apply for your marriage licence.

Follow the ServiceOntario instructions for if you were divorced outside of Canada to get a Foreign Divorce Authorization letter.

Apply for your marriage licence

Once you have completed the marriage licence application and gathered your documents, scan or take photos of your:

  • Marriage licence application
  • Identification
  • Divorce documents (if applicable)

What happens after you apply?

Hearing from us

After you apply for your marriage licence, you can expect to hear from the City of Guelph by email (check your spam box) within three business days:

IF your application and documents are complete

You will receive two separate emails from us to:

  • Confirm details and next steps
  • Confirm your marriage licence issuing appointment. . (Appointments are usually available within two weeks and up to four weeks during busier Spring and Summer months.)

IF your marriage licence application, identification, or divorce documents are incomplete

We will contact you by email to request that you correct and re-submit the required documents.

Attend your marriage licence issuing appointment

  • Marriage licences are issued at Guelph City Hall, 1 Carden Street. The appointment usually takes about 20 minutes.
  • Either the applicant or joint applicant (or both) can be present at the appointment.
  • Bring the originals (no photocopies), for both applicants, of all previously submitted documents and identification including:
    • Marriage licence application form (original, ink signatures)
    • Identification
    • Divorce documents (if applicable)
    • Marriage licence application fee is $160 (payable by cash, debit, credit)

Need help?

If you have questions about getting a marriage licence, please contact us.

519-822-1260 extension 2117
[email protected]