Older Adult Strategy

It is projected that by 2031, Guelph will have almost 53,000 adults aged 55 years and older, representing 30% of all residents. That’s close to 23,000 more older adults than in 2011! The
impact of this demographic shift on the design and delivery of municipal services presents both opportunities and challenges.

In November 2012, City of Guelph Council approved the Goal, Vision and Guiding Principles of an Older Adult Strategy (OAS). The Strategy was developed based on extensive consultations, using a framework consistent with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Dimensions of Age-Friendliness.

Guelph is committed to becoming age-friendly in each of these areas. The Older Adult Strategy includes 64 recommendations, including 6 foundational, and 58 that relate to the World Health Organization’s domains.

Age-friendly city

Source: Global Age-Friendly Cities: A Guide. World Health Organization, 2007

8 domains

World Health Organization

  • Transportation
  • Housing
  • Respect and social inclusion
  • Social participation
  • Civic participation and employment
  • Communication and information
  • Community support and health services
  • Outdoor spaces and public buildings
20 of 64

recommendations have been acted on so far.

Social participation

Guelph will offer facilities and programs that allow older adults to participate in recreational and social activities as they age


Older adults in Guelph will have access to a range of public, private and community-run transportation services and are accessible, safe and affordable.

Communications and information

In Guelph, older adults and those who care for them will have easy access to comprehensive, timely and clear information regarding services and supports relevant to them.

Community support and health services

Guelph will be a community known for offering health and community services that fully support the well-being of older adults.


For older adults in Guelph, housing is available, affordable and supported sufficiently to allow them to choose where they will live as they age

Respect and social inclusion

In Guelph, all older adults will be treated respectfully and included fully in social life.

Outdoor spaces and public buildings

Buildings and outdoor spaces in Guelph will be safe, accessible, and appropriate for older adults.

Civic participation and employment

Guelph will be a place where older adults can contribute to the health of the economy and the community by actively participating in paid and unpaid work.


“Guelph is a great place to live and age well”


Guelph is an age-friendly community that:

  • Values and supports older adults
  • Optimizes opportunity for choice, independence, and quality of life
  • Celebrates diversity
  • Is inclusive of all, reducing inequities

Guiding principles

The City of Guelph will ensure that all services, policies and programs are designed, delivered and resources, where feasible, using the following guiding values and principles:

  • participation and inclusion of all citizens
  • respect and dignity
  • active engagement in communication and decision making
  • access to a safe living environment
  • fairness and equity
  • self-determination and choice

Age friendly projects

  • The Bench Project
  • The Gatekeeper Project
  • Reflections on Aging
  • Age Friendly Businesses
  • Resources on the Go!

Upcoming events



Older Adult Strategy Progress Report: Years 1 and 2

Older Adult Strategy Report

Affordable Housing for Older Adults

Age Friendly Business Checklist

Age Friendly Guelph Vision Poster

Older Adult Strategy Highlights

Age Friendly Guelph Terms of Reference


Contact Becky MacDonald, Volunteer Coordinator, by phone at 519-823-1291 extension 2019 or in person at the Evergreen Seniors Community Centre, to discuss volunteer opportunities with Age Friendly Guelph.

Age Friendly Guelph Volunteer Application

For more information

Adam Rutherford, Program Manager of Programming and Community Development
Culture and Recreation
City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 2703
[email protected]