The Gosling Pollinator Gardens at Hospice Wellington


795 Scottsdale Drive. These gardens are located on the grounds of Hospice Wellington.

Although located on private property, the Gosling Pollinator Gardens are easily viewed by members of the public as they border the sidewalk on Kortright Road and Scottsdale Drive and surround the facility’s parking lot.

About the garden

Begun in 2012, this multi-year project has created almost 9,000 square feet of pollinator habitat on the grounds of Hospice Wellington. Designed by Pollination Guelph, the gardens showcase the use of native plants to create beautiful, ecologically functional landscapes suitable for domestic gardens as well as institutional and commercial properties. Planted with shrubs, grasses and flowering perennials, gardens offer food (pollen and nectar), nesting and overwintering sites for pollinating insects. Seeds and berries attract birds and small mammals to the gardens. Almost all the plants are native to southern Ontario and were chosen to provide blooms throughout the growing season as well as essential forage (leaves) for butterfly and moth caterpillars.

In stages, between 2012 and 2015, approximately 4,000 sq. ft. of pollinator habitat was created with the financial support of the following organizations: The Healing Cycle Foundation, TD Friends of the Environment, the Guelph Community Foundation, Manor landscaping and property maintenance and the Gosling Foundation. In 2016 the gardens were renamed The Gosling Pollinator Gardens in recognition of a significant donation from The Gosling Foundation. The donation funded a doubling in the size of the gardens and will support the further development and maintenance of the gardens through until 2026.

Get involved

The gardens were planted and are now maintained by volunteers drawn from Pollination Guelph and Hospice Wellington. Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in volunteering to help maintain the garden.

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