The City is constructing a multi-use path on Woodlawn Road on both the north and south side between the existing curb and property line from Silvercreek Parkway to Nicklin Road. The construction includes placement of a three–metre wide asphalt path for active transportation use.
This project is being completed in three phases.
- Phase 1 – Silvercreek Parkway North and Nicklin Road – completed
- Phase 2 –Silvercreek Parkway North to Imperial Road – in progress
- Phase 3 – Imperial to Elmira Road – future
The multi-use path runs 2.6 kilometres on each side of Woodlawn Road from Imperial Road North to Nicklin Road for a total path length of 5.2 kilometres. The stretch between Slivercreek Parkway North and Imperial Road North is 1.15 kilometres on each side of the road for a total path length of 2.3 kilometres. The stretch between Silvercreek Parkway North to Nicklin Road is 1.45 kilometres on each side of the road for a total path length of 2.9 kilometers.
The design and implementation of the Woodlawn Road Multi-use path is consistent with the 2013 Cycling Master Plan. The master plan is a ten year strategy to make cycling easier, safer and more accessible in Guelph by building a connected network of on– and off–road bike facilities throughout Guelph. It is part of the City of Guelph’s efforts to support sustainable transportation, relieve traffic congestion, and make mobility accessible to all road users. Adding a multi-use path on Woodlawn Road West will also help to make Woodlawn Road West a route that accommodates all road users including public transit, cycling, pedestrians and vehicles.
The City of Guelph appreciates your patience and understanding as we complete this important infrastructure project.
Updates will be posted in the Latest Updates section below and at
Phase 2: Woodlawn Multi-Use Path Design Roll Plan – August 2018
Phase 2: Information Package – August 2018
Phase 1 – Woodlawn Open House – June 26, 2015
Phase 1 – Woodlawn Multi-Use Path Open House Display
For more information
Ike Umar
Project Manager
City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 2242
[email protected]