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The York Road reconstruction program
The City of Guelph is completing the York Road reconstruction program to increase water, wastewater and multimodal transportation (pedestrians, cyclists and motorists) servicing for future City growth. The project will improve existing and future services for residents and businesses city-wide.
Construction will take place over several phases:
- Phase 1 – Wyndham to Ontario Street (completed in 2017)
- Phase 2 – Ontario Street to Stevenson Street South (completed in 2022)
- Phase 3 – Stevenson Street South to Victoria Road South (Spring 2023 – Winter 2024)
- Surface paving of Phase 3 (Spring 2025)
- Phase 4 – Victoria Road South to east city limit (Spring 2025 to Winter 2028)
- Spring 2025 work will start with Stage 1 – Watson Parkway to east city limit
These dates are the City’s current estimate of when construction will be completed given the status of the individual projects. Please note these dates may change as new information becomes available.
Business access
All businesses in the area are open and access will be maintained during construction. How to access York Road businesses during construction.
Phase 3: Stevenson Street South to Victoria Road South
The City is working with Navacon Construction Inc. to complete the York Road Phase 3 reconstruction project.
To mitigate issues with traffic circulation the City will complete the project in two stages.
Stage 1: Road reconstruction from Stevenson Street to Brockville Avenue completed as of December 2023
The underground infrastructure work has been completed from Stevenson Street to Brockville Avenue. Surface restorations will continue in the spring however the stage one area will remain open.
Stage 1 included York Road, from Stevenson Street South intersection to Brockville Avenue. The construction area on Stevenson Street between Ferguson Street and the Guelph Junction Railway (GJR) tracks is now open.
Stage 2: Road reconstruction from Brockville Avenue to Victoria Road to begin spring 2024
Stage 2 will include construction from Brockville Avenue to Victoria Road. This section will be divided into 3 smaller sections to ensure local access is maintained. The smaller sections are as follows. The dates shown on the below phasing map are the City’s current estimate of when work will be completed but are subject to change.
During Stage 2 the contractor will maintain traffic access to all the side streets, as best they can however there will be closures to side streets within the current stage of construction. The City has installed a temporary traffic signal at Florence Lane and Victoria Road to facilitate turning movements onto Victoria Road. The temporary signal will be in place during construction and will be removed in 2025.
Starting in mid-January 2025, the City’s contractor, Navacon Construction Inc., will make minor repairs to sewer pipes in the boulevard. York Road will remain open, but lane restrictions may be necessary. The work is expected to take about 3 weeks to complete.
This plan may be subject to modifications to facilitate construction. This website and the business access maps will be kept current.
The City understands that the traffic impacts to residents caused by this work are inconvenient for everyone and appreciates all residents’ and drivers’ ongoing patience as we complete this necessary work.
Phase 4: Design work ongoing
Upgrades on York Road from Victoria Road South to the eastern city limit (east of Watson Road) are being designed. At this time a consultant has been retained and is working through a preliminary design. The design will be presented at an open house once the road alignment is finalized.
This section of York Road is expected to be completed in three construction stages with construction work starting in spring 2025 and being completed in late 2028.
As a truck and Guelph Transit route, York Road is a critical arterial road in Guelph. The York Road Environmental Assessment was completed to address travel needs along York Road. The Environmental Assessment identified the improvements to be made along York Road from Wyndham Street to the eastern City limit, east of Watson Road. The York Road environmental design study will identify the design options for improvements from Victoria to the eastern City limits.
The Cycling Master Plan is a 10-year strategy to make cycling easier, safer and more accessible in Guelph by building a connected network of on– and off–road bike facilities throughout Guelph. It is part of the City of Guelph’s efforts to support sustainable transportation, relieve traffic congestion, and make mobility accessible to all road users. Improvements along York Road will also help to accommodate all road users, including public transit, cycling, pedestrians and vehicles.
All construction notices, including timing updates and traffic changes will be posted at guelph.ca/construction and in the latest updates section below.
Community engagement
The City hosts open houses to provide detailed information about the project. Open house notices are posted in the latest updates section below. Open house materials will be available online following the event. Please visit Have Your Say for more information.
Latest updates
York Road re-opened to traffic at Victoria Road
December 20, 2024
For more information
York Road Phase 3 (Stevenson to Victoria)
Construction inquiries:
Samy Mohamed, C.E.T.
Contract Administrator, Engineering Technical Services
Engineering and Transportation Services
519-822-1260 extension 3960
Mobile 519 831-8390
[email protected]
Project inquiries:
Brennan Walker, C.E.T.
Project Manager
Engineering and Transportation Services
City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 2530
Mobile 226-820-4098
[email protected]
York Road Phase 4 (Victoria to east city limit)
Project inquiries:
Jackie Kay, MBA, P.Eng., PMP
Project Engineer
Design and Construction, Engineering and Transportation Services
City of Guelph
519-822-1260, extension 2251
[email protected]