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About the project
We’re working on a plan to invest in a series of stormwater infrastructure projects in areas of Cassino Avenue, Williams Street, Elizabeth Street, Industrial Avenue, and Stevenson Street at Guelph Junction Railway.
This plan will support upgrading and enhancing the City’s stormwater management facilities, water mains, storm sewers, and sanitary sewers. Upgrades outlined in the plan will improve the overall functionality and resilience of Guelph’s utilities.
Through this project we will review and confirm the recommendations of previous Environmental Assessments (EA) in the Ward One area. We will also review previous studies that recommended how best to manage stormwater in the area.
Two (2) new stormwater management ponds have been proposed in Study Areas 1 and 2 (refer to project overview map). In some areas, the stormwater pipes, sewers and watermains are at the end of their useful life and need to be replaced or relocated. Therefore, the City is reviewing the stormwater system as a whole and preparing a preliminary design to ensure it works properly.
- Stormwater Management Master Plan
- York Road Class Environmental Assessment
- York Road Environmental Design Study
Study area and planning phase
Planning for the Bullfrog Stormwater Management and William Street Infrastructure Replacement began in early 2023. This study includes four areas outlined below. The City will produce a preliminary design (30%) for Areas 1 to 4 to improve drainage conditions so that rain runoff is managed properly and doesn’t cause flooding. We will also study ways to treat stormwater to ensure it’s clean before it’s released back into the surrounding environment. This will help protect essential creeks such as Clythe Creek and Hadati Creek. Overall, the goal is to improve and protect the water quality in the Bullfrog Stormwater Management area to benefit the community and environment.
Completed work
Preliminary design work being completed as part of this project
We will review and confirm the following recommendations from the Environmental Assessment identified for each area:
Area 1: Industrial Street Improvements and End-of-pipe Stormwater Management Facility
(an end-of-pipe facility can be a wet pond, dry stormwater pond, constructed wetlands, or other type of solution that moves treated water to a water body).
The team will review and confirm the recommendations to:
- Reconstruct Industrial Street to replace infrastructure within the right-of-way.
- Redirect stormwater flows from the intersection of Elizabeth Street and Industrial Street to a proposed stormwater management facility on the south side of the York Road and Industrial Street intersection.
- Realign Clythe Creek to accommodate the offline pond.
Area 2: Stevenson Street / Guelph Junction Railway Stormwater Management Facility.
The team will review and confirm the recommendation from the Ward One Environmental Assessment to construct a stormwater management facility on City-owned land near 110 Stevenson Street South as an outlet for the Elizabeth Street flow splitter.
Area 3: William Street Storm and Sanitary Reconstruction.
The team will review and confirm the recommendation to reconstruct William Street from Cassino Avenue, replacing all infrastructure on City-owned land and potentially realign services from private property to public property.
Area 4: Cassino Avenue from William Street to Stevenson Street North Reconstruction.
The team will review and confirm the recommendation to reconstruct Cassino Avenue from Stevenson Street to William Street, replacing all infrastructure on City-owned land and potentially realign services from private property to public property.
Areas 3 and 4 will look at the need to replace old pipes along Cassino Avenue and William Street, moving them to public land. This includes water pipes, big storm drains, and sewer pipes that are getting old. Much of the storm sewer between William Street and Stevenson Street North is now beneath private property. To improve stormwater management using improved networks of channels we will ensure the Guelph drainage system stays strong for a better future.
Project overview map
- Preparation stage: Fall 2023
- Review of existing conditions and conduct field studies: January-December 2024
- Assess design and preliminary design (30%): September 2024 to September 2025
- Develop study recommendations: January to December 2025
- Prepare project documentation and final report: September to December 2025
What’s happening next?
The project team will conduct field studies, including topographic surveys, tree inventories and ecological studies in the neighbourhood during the 2024 spring and summer months. Landowners will receive separate notifications regarding private property access when needed.
Latest updates
For more information
Please contact one of our project team members if you have questions or comments or want to be added to the mailing list.
Anindita Datta, P.Eng
Project Engineer, City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 2756
[email protected]
Chris Denich, M.Sc, P.Eng
Director of Water Resources and Green Infrastructure, Aquafor Beech Ltd.
[email protected]