Whitelaw Road reconstruction

Shoemaker Crescent to Paisley Road

The City has reconstructed Whitelaw Road to improve traffic safety, active transportation access and facilitate development. Work includes the construction of watermain, storm sewer and sanitary sewer, and reconstruction of the roadway into an urban cross-section with curbs and sidewalks. A dedicated left turn lane has been added for those turning from Whitelaw Road onto Paisley Road.

Whitelaw Road reconstruction keymap

Construction timeline

All construction notices, including timing updates and traffic changes, will be posted at guelph.ca/construction and in the Latest updates section below.

The City of Guelph appreciates your patience and understanding as we complete this important infrastructure project.

For more information

Brennan Walker, Project Manager
Engineering and Transportation Services
519-822-1260 extension 2530
[email protected]