Tag Archives: Housing in Guelph

Have thoughts about housing affordability? Let us know!

Guelph, Ont., October 9, 2024 – Yesterday, we presented our Draft Housing Affordability Strategy to City Council.  We’re now ready to take this draft to the public and collect community feedback before taking the next steps in finalizing the Housing Affordability Strategy for Guelph. What is the Housing Affordability Strategy? The purpose of this strategy is to determine actions that we can take to address private-market housing gaps both in the short and long term. While the City has the most influence on private-market housing, we’ve been taking a highly collaborative approach for this work so we can support unlocking more housing opportunities across the board. Upcoming engagement events We’ll be hosting a series of in-person and virtual engagement events throughout October to talk about… Continue reading Have thoughts about housing affordability? Let us know!

Public Space Use bylaw comes into effect today

Guelph, Ont., October 1, 2024 – Starting today, the City of Guelph’s Public Space Use bylaw is in effect. Approved by City Council on September 10, 2024, the bylaw aims to achieve a balance that allows for spaces owned or operated by the City to be accessed and enjoyed by all residents for their intended community purposes, and the safeguarding of certain special-purpose and sensitive areas, while having compassion and consideration for those who are living unsheltered. The new bylaw does not prohibit encampments in Guelph; rather, it regulates certain areas and specifies conditions which are intended to balance various uses of public space, including safe use by those living in or accessing an encampment and areas nearby. Some of these conditions include: That temporary… Continue reading Public Space Use bylaw comes into effect today

Please drop in and join us! Let’s talk about housing affordability in Guelph

Guelph, Ont., ​May 30, 2024​ – On June 13, please drop in and join the City of Guelph at one of two in-person, open houses to discuss the creation of our city’s housing affordability strategy.   Housing affordability strategy open house Thursday, June 13 Drop-in-style: 2-4 p.m. & 6-8 p.m. Royal City Mission: 50 Quebec St, Guelph  We hope to have open conversations with community members about how to address housing affordability in Guelph, based on the tools that the City can use. We’ll discuss draft actions and priorities supporting the development of Guelph’s Housing Affordability Strategy. We also want to reimagine the housing continuum and how we visually present the range of housing types available in our community.   Can’t attend in person? Don’t worry! You can… Continue reading Please drop in and join us! Let’s talk about housing affordability in Guelph

Help shape the future of housing in Guelph

Guelph, Ont., April 22, 2024 – The City of Guelph is launching two surveys to help shape the future of housing in Guelph. We need your feedback to ensure we are creating strategies and policies that support our community’s needs. The purpose of the Housing Affordability Strategy 2024 work is to identify actions like policy changes, tools and incentives, advocacy, and partnership approaches to address private-market housing gaps in the short, medium, and long term. While we need to focus on private-marking housing gaps since this is where the City has the most influence, we will be taking a highly collaborative approach to this work so that we can support unlocking private and non-market housing opportunities. Housing Affordability Strategy survey We want to hear from you… Continue reading Help shape the future of housing in Guelph

City of Guelph seeks property donations for a temporary structured encampment

Guelph, Ont., March 25, 2024 – In response to a mayoral direction issued on February 28, the City of Guelph is seeking private property donations to (potentially) establish a temporary structured encampment as part of its ongoing efforts to address unsheltered homelessness. Property owners within Guelph are invited to identify potential sites suitable for conversion into temporary structured encampments. These sites will serve as safe havens for those in need for a minimum period of three years. While properties within one kilometre of the downtown core are preferred, all submissions will be considered. Property owners interested in contributing to this initiative are encouraged to submit their name, contact information, and potential location address to [email protected] by April 26, 2024. The City emphasizes that this initial… Continue reading City of Guelph seeks property donations for a temporary structured encampment

Clair-Maltby Secondary Plan officially incorporated into the City’s Official Plan

Guelph, Ont., March 14, 2024 – The City has worked over multiple years with several interested parties to bring the Clair-Maltby Secondary Plan from concept to reality. In May 2022, Council approved Official Plan Amendment No. 79 (OPA 79) for the Clair-Maltby Secondary Plan. On Friday, February 16, 2024, following negotiations and Tribunal-led mediation, an amended version of OPA 79 was submitted for approval to the Ontario Land Tribunal, and on March 6, 2024, the of the Clair-Maltby Secondary Plan. The City was able to file with the Ontario Land Tribunal after reaching a consensus position with the assistance of a team of Tribunal-appointed mediators. The amended OPA 79 is supported by all appellants who had appealed the plan. Amended plan maintains key policies and… Continue reading Clair-Maltby Secondary Plan officially incorporated into the City’s Official Plan

Guelph receives $4.68 million for meeting provincial housing targets

Funding will be invested in housing or community-enabling infrastructure  Guelph, Ont., ​March 14, 2024​ – Today, Paul Calandra Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, announced that the City of Guelph will receive $4,680,000 in Government of Ontario funding through the Building Faster Fund. In 2023, the City issued 1,320 building permits for new units and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) reported 1,287 new housing starts, meaning Guelph achieved 98 per cent of its 2023 housing target.  “I applaud the work being done by Guelph and all the other municipalities that are making substantial progress toward their 2031 housing targets,” said Paul Calandra, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing.   Representatives from the City of Guelph including Mayor Cam Guthrie and members of City Council… Continue reading Guelph receives $4.68 million for meeting provincial housing targets

Open house: Let’s talk gentle density housing

Guelph, Ont., February 16, 2024 – We’re inviting Guelph residents to learn about various options to increase housing density gently and thoughtfully in Guelph and provide feedback at our public open house on Thursday, February 29. We want to hear from you about how to best plan for four-unit housing types in Guelph.  We’re interested in hearing your thoughts on how we can enable four-unit housing in the City that will benefit residential neighbourhoods with specific consideration for parking, landscaping and building form requirements. Visit the open house Date: Thursday, February 29 Time: 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. Location: Marg Mackinnon Room, City Hall, 1 Carden Street, Guelph, Ontario For questions or if you require accommodations, please contact [email protected] or call 519-822-1260 extension 3982. What is… Continue reading Open house: Let’s talk gentle density housing

Guelph City Council hears delegations and determines next steps for proposed Public Space Use bylaw

Guelph, Ont., February 15, 2024 – At a special meeting of Council held on February 14, City Council heard delegations from members of the community related to the proposed Public Space Use bylaw. As directed by Council in January, City staff prepared the draft bylaw to address safety concerns regarding encampments and related activities on lands owned or operated by the City.   After hearing more than 25 delegations and, in response to the community’s feedback, Council proposed a series of resolutions to move forward the City’s efforts to help address the housing crisis, mitigate safety concerns for those living in encampments, and establish parameters for the use of public space for shelter.  Through the resolutions, Council directed City staff to:  Establish a plan to engage… Continue reading Guelph City Council hears delegations and determines next steps for proposed Public Space Use bylaw

City clarifies recent outreach efforts to individuals living in encampments

Guelph, Ont., February 9, 2024 – Late yesterday, the City of Guelph was made aware of flyers that had been distributed to individuals living in tents in a downtown encampment containing misleading information. The flyers, which were distributed in error, incorrectly suggested that City Bylaw staff would return in 12 hours to deliver eviction notices. This is contrary to the City’s standard procedures, which include waiting three full days after a tent has been deemed to be abandoned before Bylaw staff remove the tent and other belongings and move them into storage for a period of 30 days. In recent days, Stepping Stone has connected with individuals living in encampments to make them aware of the opportunity for temporary hotel shelter using available funding under… Continue reading City clarifies recent outreach efforts to individuals living in encampments

Join Guelph’s housing affordability focus group

 Guelph, Ont., January 17, 2024 – Guelph’s vision is to be an inclusive, connected, prosperous city where we look after each other and our environment – and that means having a diverse range of housing types available, including affordable housing options.   But what does affordable housing truly mean for Guelph? We need your help to not only have this conversation, but also to explore approaches and actions that the City can take to protect existing affordable housing stock and to increase the supply of new affordable housing.    Increasing Guelph’s housing supply  The 2024 Housing Affordability Strategy (an update to the 2017 Affordable Housing Strategy) will identify actions like policy changes, tools and incentives, advocacy, and partnership approaches to address private-market housing gaps in the short,… Continue reading Join Guelph’s housing affordability focus group

Guelph City Council approves new Development Charge bylaws

Guelph’s new bylaws come into effect on March 2, 2024 Guelph, Ont., January 17, 2024 – Last night, at the Council Planning meeting, City Council approved the 2023 Development Charge Background Study with its addendum. Council also approved the new Development Charge bylaws. The new rates will come into effect on March 2, 2024. New elements of the Development Charge bylaws include changes to align with updates made by the province to the Development Charges Act through Bill 23, More Homes, Built Faster, as well as administrative updates, including: separate bylaws for each service to enable future updates to the rates for one, but not all services, if needed, without triggering the rate phase-in for all services adding the mandated discounts to development charges, removing… Continue reading Guelph City Council approves new Development Charge bylaws

City of Guelph to receive federal funding to help build more homes, faster

Funding will increase Guelph’s housing supply Guelph, Ont., January 12, 2024 – Today in Guelph, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the City of Guelph will receive $21.4 million to help increase housing supply through the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF). This fund is a $4 billion initiative from the Government of Canada that provides local governments with funding to fast track the creation of new homes. The funds will help the City incentivize the creation of 739 new housing units above the City average over the next three years. This work will reduce housing barriers and increase housing in Guelph, while supporting the development of affordable, inclusive, equitable and diverse communities. “Today’s announcement is a big leap forward for Guelph in addressing the housing crisis… Continue reading City of Guelph to receive federal funding to help build more homes, faster

Draft development charge rates presented at Council

Guelph, Ont., July 21, 2023 – On Wednesday, July 19, Guelph City Council participated in a two-part meeting about development charges. The first part of the meeting was a workshop that served as an orientation and education session. The second part was a special council meeting where the preliminary results of the ongoing Development Charges Background Study were presented to gather early feedback from Council. “Development charges are critical to funding the capital costs to accommodate growth,” says Shanna O’Dwyer, manager, Financial Strategy and Long-Term Planning, City of Guelph. “Before development can begin, water pipes, sewers, and roads must be built. Once people start living in new developments, we need to provide emergency services, waste collection, new parks and recreation spaces.” For decades in Ontario,… Continue reading Draft development charge rates presented at Council

City of Guelph taking action to get more housing built faster

New ideas on the table following special Council workshop Guelph, Ont., July 11, 2023 – At tonight’s housing workshop, staff shared a progress update and an interactive story map to help Council and the community gain a better understanding of the range and types of housing in Guelph, and the actions the City is taking to help increase housing supply in Guelph. During the workshop, staff demonstrated how the City financially supports community partners, invests in infrastructure, makes more land available to support more housing, and advocates to other levels of government on behalf of the community’s needs. Staff also identified funding gaps and opportunities and explained Guelph’s current capacity for housing. “We appreciated Mayor Guthrie’s call for a special Council meeting because it gave… Continue reading City of Guelph taking action to get more housing built faster

Council approves City’s recommendations in preparation for changes stemming from Bill 109 and Bill 23

Guelph, Ont., November 22, 2022 – At a special meeting today, Council received an update and heard from delegates about anticipated impacts associated with Bill 109, More Homes for Everyone Act, and Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act. In response, Council approved staff’s requests to immediately fund an increase in staff, as well as changes to the development application fee structure. Council will also call on the Province to reconsider its plan to defund growth, which further pushes costs of growth onto local tax and ratepayers. “Housing is unattainable for too many people in Guelph, and we’re committed to doing what we can to create more homes and improve housing affordability,” says Jayne Holmes, the City’s deputy chief administrative officer, Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise… Continue reading Council approves City’s recommendations in preparation for changes stemming from Bill 109 and Bill 23