Tag Archives: DC rate

Guelph City Council approves new Development Charge bylaws

Guelph’s new bylaws come into effect on March 2, 2024 Guelph, Ont., January 17, 2024 – Last night, at the Council Planning meeting, City Council approved the 2023 Development Charge Background Study with its addendum. Council also approved the new Development Charge bylaws. The new rates will come into effect on March 2, 2024. New elements of the Development Charge bylaws include changes to align with updates made by the province to the Development Charges Act through Bill 23, More Homes, Built Faster, as well as administrative updates, including: separate bylaws for each service to enable future updates to the rates for one, but not all services, if needed, without triggering the rate phase-in for all services adding the mandated discounts to development charges, removing… Continue reading Guelph City Council approves new Development Charge bylaws

Draft development charge rates presented at Council

Guelph, Ont., July 21, 2023 – On Wednesday, July 19, Guelph City Council participated in a two-part meeting about development charges. The first part of the meeting was a workshop that served as an orientation and education session. The second part was a special council meeting where the preliminary results of the ongoing Development Charges Background Study were presented to gather early feedback from Council. “Development charges are critical to funding the capital costs to accommodate growth,” says Shanna O’Dwyer, manager, Financial Strategy and Long-Term Planning, City of Guelph. “Before development can begin, water pipes, sewers, and roads must be built. Once people start living in new developments, we need to provide emergency services, waste collection, new parks and recreation spaces.” For decades in Ontario,… Continue reading Draft development charge rates presented at Council

Council approves City’s recommendations in preparation for changes stemming from Bill 109 and Bill 23

Guelph, Ont., November 22, 2022 – At a special meeting today, Council received an update and heard from delegates about anticipated impacts associated with Bill 109, More Homes for Everyone Act, and Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act. In response, Council approved staff’s requests to immediately fund an increase in staff, as well as changes to the development application fee structure. Council will also call on the Province to reconsider its plan to defund growth, which further pushes costs of growth onto local tax and ratepayers. “Housing is unattainable for too many people in Guelph, and we’re committed to doing what we can to create more homes and improve housing affordability,” says Jayne Holmes, the City’s deputy chief administrative officer, Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise… Continue reading Council approves City’s recommendations in preparation for changes stemming from Bill 109 and Bill 23