Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Guelph intends to designate 106 Carden Street as a property of cultural heritage value or interest under section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18. Description of the property The current legal description of the subject real property is Lots 2 & 3, Plan 8; Part Lots 1 & 4, Plan 8, Parts 24 & 25, 61R11523; Guelph. Statement of cultural heritage value or interest The subject property is worthy of designation under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act because it meets seven of the prescribed criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest, according to Ontario Regulation 9/06 as amended by Ontario Regulation 569/22.… Continue reading Notice of intention to designate: 106 Carden Street
Category Archives: Heritage
Notice of intention to designate: 106 Carden Street
September 12, 2024Notice of intention to designate: 220 Gordon Street
July 11, 2024Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Guelph intends to designate 220 Gordon St as a property of cultural heritage value or interest under section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18. Description of the property The legal description of the property is Lots 1 and 2 of Benjamin Harrison’s unregistered survey. Statement of cultural heritage value or interest The subject property is worthy of designation under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act because it meets five of the nine prescribed criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest, according to Ontario Regulation 9/06 as amended by 569/22. The heritage attributes of 220 Gordon Street display: design/physical, historical/associative, and contextual value. Design/physical… Continue reading Notice of intention to designate: 220 Gordon Street
Notice of intention to designate: 28 Norfolk Street
July 11, 2024Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Guelph intends to designate the building known as Saint Agnes School at 28 Norfolk Street as a property of cultural heritage value or interest under section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18. Description of the property The legal description of the subject property is BLOCK OF LAND BOUNDED BY NORFOLK, NORTHUMBERLAND, DUBLIN & CORK STREETS, PLAN 8 SAVE AND EXCEPT CS27965 & CS64284, CITY OF GUELPH Statement of cultural heritage value or interest The subject property is worthy of designation under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act because it meets seven of the nine prescribed criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest, according… Continue reading Notice of intention to designate: 28 Norfolk Street
Notice of intention to designate: 12 Eramosa Road
July 11, 2024Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Guelph intends to designate 12 Eramosa Road as a property of cultural heritage value or interest under section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18. Description of the property The legal description of the subject real property is PLAN 99 PT LOT 7 PT LOT 8. The real property includes the following addresses: 12, 14 and 16 Eramosa Road as well as 157 and 161 Arthur Street North. Statement of cultural heritage value or interest The subject property is worthy of designation under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act because it meets six of the nine prescribed criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest,… Continue reading Notice of intention to designate: 12 Eramosa Road
Notice of intention to designate: 14 Neeve Street
June 13, 2024Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Guelph intends to designate 14 Neeve Street as a property of cultural heritage value or interest under section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18. Description of the property The legal description of the subject property is The legal description of the property is 712850047 –PT LOTS 3 & 4, PLAN 33, *PT 2 61R4475; LOT 4, PLAN 269; LANE, PL 269, AS IN ROS587105; City of GUELPH Statement of Significance The subject property is worthy of designation under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act because it meets five of the nine prescribed criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest, according to Ontario Regulation… Continue reading Notice of intention to designate: 14 Neeve Street
Notice of intention to designate: 100 Queen Street
June 13, 2024Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Guelph intends to designate 100 Queen Street as a property of cultural heritage value or interest under section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18. Description of the property The legal description of the subject property is The legal description of the property is Lot 98, Plan 243; City of Guelph. Statement of Significance The subject property is worthy of designation under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act because it meets five of the nine prescribed criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest, according to Ontario Regulation 9/06 as amended by Ontario Regulation 569/22. The heritage attributes of 100 Queen Street display: design/physical, historical/associative,… Continue reading Notice of intention to designate: 100 Queen Street
Notice of intention to designate: 167 Suffolk Street West
June 13, 2024Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Guelph intends to designate 167 Suffolk Street West as a property of cultural heritage value or interest under section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18. Description of the property Statement of cultural heritage value or interest The subject property is worthy of designation under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act because it meets four of the prescribed criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest, according to Ontario Regulation 9/06 as amended by Ontario Regulation 569/22. The heritage attributes of 167 Suffolk Street West display: design or physical, historical or associative, and contextual value. Design/Physical Value 167 Suffolk Street West meets Criterion 1 having… Continue reading Notice of intention to designate: 167 Suffolk Street West
Notice of intention to designate: 211 Silvercreek Parkway South
June 13, 2024Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Guelph intends to designate 211 Silvercreek Parkway South as a property of cultural heritage value or interest under section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18. Description of the property The legal description of the subject property is PT LT A E/S OF GALT & GUELPH RAILWAY PL 52 AS IN ROS524508, SAVE AND EXCEPT PT 2, 61R6538; CITY OF GUELPH SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT AS IN RO791712 AND PT LOTS 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 & 12, PLAN 206, AS IN ROS524508; CITY OF GUELPH SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT AS IN RO791712. Statement of Significance The subject property is worthy of designation under Part IV, Section 29… Continue reading Notice of intention to designate: 211 Silvercreek Parkway South
Notice of intention to designate: 408 Willow Road
June 13, 2024Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Guelph intends to designate 408 Willow Road as a property of cultural heritage value or interest under section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18. Description of the property The current legal description of the subject real property is Block H, Plan 615, City of Guelph. Statement of cultural heritage value or interest The subject property is worthy of designation under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act because it meets six of the prescribed criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest, according to Ontario Regulation 9/06 as amended by Ontario Regulation 569/22. The heritage attributes of 408 Willow Road display: design or physical, historical… Continue reading Notice of intention to designate: 408 Willow Road
Open house for the Ward West Heritage Conservation District Study
June 6, 2024Drop into the Italian Canadian Club any time between 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 27 to learn about the project and share feedback. Continue reading Open house for the Ward West Heritage Conservation District Study
Doors Open Guelph presents free tours and fascinating experiences
March 20, 2024Doors Open Guelph returns Saturday, April 27 with free guided tours of some of Guelph’s most architecturally, historically and culturally significant sites. Continue reading Doors Open Guelph presents free tours and fascinating experiences
Open house: Downtown Guelph Heritage Conservation District Study on February 20
January 31, 2024Help shape a potential heritage conservation district in the downtown core As part of the Downtown Guelph Heritage Conservation District study, we are hosting an open house on February 20 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Marg Mackinnon Room at City Hall. Join us to provide feedback, ask questions, and learn about the study findings. Can’t make it? You can share your feedback online at https://www.haveyoursay.guelph.ca/downtown-district. The study is nearing completion, and it recommends that Council proceed to establish a heritage conservation district in downtown Guelph. Members of the project team will be sharing findings at multiple stations located within the Marg Mackinnon Room and will be available to answer your questions and collect feedback. Specifically, the project team is looking to determine… Continue reading Open house: Downtown Guelph Heritage Conservation District Study on February 20
Notice of intention to designate: 331 Clair Road East
November 23, 2023Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Guelph intends to designate 331 Clair Road East as a property of cultural heritage value or interest under section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18. Description of the property The legal description of the subject property is CON 8 REAR PT LOT 11; City of Guelph. Statement of cultural heritage value or interest The subject property is worthy of designation under section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act because it meets four of the prescribed criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest, according to Ontario Regulation 9/06 as amended by 569/22. The heritage attributes of 331 Clair Road East display: design or physical, historical… Continue reading Notice of intention to designate: 331 Clair Road East
Notice of intention to designate: 49 Metcalfe Street
November 23, 2023Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Guelph intends to designate 49 Metcalfe Street as a property of cultural heritage value or interest under section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18. Description of the property The legal description of the subject property is PLAN 357 LOT 26 PT LOT 24; City of Guelph. Statement of cultural heritage value or interest The subject property is worthy of designation under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act because it meets five of the prescribed criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest, according to Ontario Regulation 9/06 as amended by 569/22. The heritage attributes of 49 Metcalfe Street display: design or physical, historical or… Continue reading Notice of intention to designate: 49 Metcalfe Street