2025 Budget Update: Local boards and shared services

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Learn about the City’s local boards and shared service agencies in the budget manual

Local boards and shared services

The City funds all or part of the operations of several local boards and shared services (LBSS) that have separate governance structures and varied types of relationships with the City. More information about the City’s LBSS is available in the budget manual.

For the 2025 budget confirmation, the City is separating the budget adoption process into two phases: City budget adoption and local boards and shared services (LBSS) agencies budget approval.

The LBSS budget process does not trigger the Strong Mayor timelines given the various governing legislation that states that these budgets are to be presented to Council as a whole for approval. As such, the City has respectfully requested that all LBSS agencies adhere to the mayoral direction as they work to update their 2025 budget.

LBSS agencies will present their 2025 budget updates to Council for approval on January 22, 2025.

Table 66 highlights the respective contribution to the total tax levy requirement, net of their proportionate assessment growth, of the City’s LBSS agencies included in 2024-2027 multi-year budget (MYB) in November 2023.

Table 66 Adopted LBSS MYB impact on tax levy
LBSS organization 2024 adopted $ millions 2024 adopted tax levy impact 2025 adopted $ millions 2025 adopted tax levy impact 2026 adopted $ millions 2026 adopted tax levy impact 2027 adopted $ millions 2027 adopted tax levy impact
Guelph Police Services 3.4 1.15% 4.2  1.29% 3.8 1.06% 3.7 0.95%
Guelph Public Library 0.7 0.25% 1.0 0.32% 1.8 0.51% 0.8 0.19%
The Elliott Community 0.2 0.05% (0.2) (0.06%) 0.1 0.01% 0.1 0.01%
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health 0.1 0.03% 0.1 0.02% 0.1 0.02% 0.1 0.02%
County of Wellington 1.2 0.39% 1.6 0.49% 1.9 0.53% 2.4 0.60%
Total LBSS tax impact 5.5 1.87% 6.7 2.06% 7.7 2.14% 7.0 1.78%

Downtown Guelph Business Association (DGBA)

The DGBA budget is a special levy that is applied to downtown commercial properties in addition to the City’s general taxation requirement. Table 67 summarizes the 2024 Council approved budget for the DGBA as well as the 2025-2027 forecast as presented in November 2023.

Table 67 DGBA budgeted and forecasted requirements
DGBA budget and forecast 2024 Council approved 2025 budget 2026 budget 2027 budget
Gross expense budget $697,955 $686,480 $706,055 $726,655
Total levy requirement $700,194 $721,200 $672,836 $695,121