Tag Archives: downtown infrastructure

Choosing a concept: Help redesign St. George’s Square!

Guelph, Ont., January 20, 2025 – Through the Downtown Infrastructure Renewal Program, we’re reimagining how people can experience St. George’s Square. There are two preliminary design concepts to reimagine how this space can be used by the community based on what we heard during previous community engagement. We want to hear from you about your preferences and ideas about each design and what you think is important to consider as we renew the space. As the heart of Downtown Guelph, would you like to see St. George’s Square designed as more of a passive park for everyday use, emphasizing tranquility, accessibility and natural beauty? Or would you rather emphasize making it an active park that can be easily transformed to better suit a wide range… Continue reading Choosing a concept: Help redesign St. George’s Square!

Downtown transformation: Have your say at our Downtown Renewal open house

Guelph, Ont., November 25, 2024 – Come one, come all to our Downtown Renewal open house at City Hall! We’re hosting an open house featuring several Downtown Renewal projects that we’d love to hear the community’s feedback on. When: Monday, December 9 6 to 8 p.m. Where: City Hall galleria 1 Carden Street, Guelph Learn more about and give your input on the following Downtown projects: Macdonell and Allan’s Structure Environmental Assessment (EA) (as part of the Downtown Infrastructure Renewal Program work) [official notice], Note: The Ward to Downtown Bridge project, cancelled in May 2024, was instead incorporated into this EA. Downtown Heights Study, Waste: Downtown infrastructure, User Fee Study, and Single-Use Items, Wyndham-Wellington Sewer Capacity Improvement Project, Downtown Guelph Heritage Conservation District Study, and… Continue reading Downtown transformation: Have your say at our Downtown Renewal open house

Have your say in finalizing the Downtown Infrastructure implementation plan

Guelph, Ont., October 2, 2024 – As we prepare for the Downtown Infrastructure Renewal Program (DTIRP), we’d like to hear your voice in the planning process and your questions, comments or concerns about Downtown infrastructure renewal. Earlier this year in March, we asked Downtown businesses and the community to provide feedback on the options for proposed construction phasing for this work and the pace of construction (fast vs. slow). We’ve taken that feedback to help further refine the capital implementation plan (i.e., planning) for DTIRP, which will establish how this work will be carried out (what areas in what phases). Now we want to hear from you if there’s anything else we should consider as the plan is finalized to help reduce impacts to Downtown… Continue reading Have your say in finalizing the Downtown Infrastructure implementation plan

City set to receive $2.1 million in provincial funding for water and wastewater infrastructure upgrades in Guelph

Funds to support water and wastewater capacity improvements  Guelph, Ont., ​October 2, 2024​ – The City of Guelph is pleased to announce that it has been awarded $2.1 million by the province through the Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund (HEWS Fund) for the Wyndham-Wellington Water and Wastewater Capacity Improvements project. This funding, which was awarded through a competitive application process, will help facilitate the replacement and improvement of water and wastewater infrastructure on Wellington Street from Gordon Street to Wyndham Street South. It will also fund replacing the wastewater infrastructure on Wyndham Street South from Wellington Street to Farquhar Street. As a result of this work, 150 shovel-ready housing units will be enabled by 2027, helping the City achieve its housing pledge targets.   By making these… Continue reading City set to receive $2.1 million in provincial funding for water and wastewater infrastructure upgrades in Guelph

Can you dig it? Come to the Downtown Infrastructure open house

Guelph, Ont., September 24, 2024 – On Wednesday, October 2 from 6 to 8 p.m., we’ll be hosting another public open house at City Hall (1 Carden Street) for the Downtown Infrastructure Renewal Program (DTIRP) – a follow-up from our open house in March of this year where we asked the community about fast vs. slow-paced construction. This open house will focus on the capital implementation plan (i.e., planning) for DTIRP, which will establish how this work will be carried out (what areas in what phases). In addition to display boards and activities, we’ll have a presentation starting at 6:30 p.m. followed by a question-and-answer session. We also want to hear from the community on the design and future of St. George’s Square. We’ll have… Continue reading Can you dig it? Come to the Downtown Infrastructure open house