Ambulance station tours

The Guelph Wellington Paramedic Service is committed to educating the community about paramedic services and what to do in an emergency.

Important information

  • All ambulance stations are on an “on-call” status, even during the station tour, therefore if an emergency is reported the tour may be ended early to respond to emergency calls.
  • Transportation must remain available on-site as tours may be interrupted or cancelled on short notice due to call volume.
  • If the crew is not at the station when you arrive, please wait, they may be back within 10-15 minutes.

Scheduling requirements

  • Visits will be scheduled for a maximum of one hour.
  • A minimum of 10 participants is required. Maximum group size is 30 people.
  • Appropriate adult/child ratio shall be maintained throughout the visit to ensure adequate control and supervision. There must be one adult within your group for every 5 children.
  • The nature of our job requires us to be healthy, people who are sick or who have a compromised immune system should refrain from visiting us.

Book a tour

Tour requests must be submitted 30 days in advance and may be scheduled at our Guelph, Fergus or Mount Forest Station.


woman and child sitting in the front seat of an ambulance
Two paramedics standing with a woman and child in front of an ambulance