File of Life fridge magnet

About the File of Life

The File of Life is a part of the Guelph Wellington Emergency Medical Service Community Paramedic Project.

A File of Life is a fridge magnet that is meant to provide quick and easy access to basic medical information to first responders if an individual is unable to provide the information themselves. It includes personal information, medical conditions, medications and allergies.

A File of Life can be picked up City Hall, fire stations, paramedic stations. You can also request a File of Life via email or download one in one of the 5 available languages:

GWEMS-File-of-lifeWhen responding to a 911 calls there are times when the history of the patient is undetermined due to a variety of factors such as intoxication, unconsciousness, dementia. The File of Life is an information pamphlet that the resident completes to provide emergency responders critical information during an emergency response. The File of Life is highly visible and is magnetic, designed to be stored on the refrigerator on the home

Within Guelph and Wellington County several organizations distribute methods to provide information to responders during emergency response; most common is the Vial of Life. The Vial of Life is essentially a list kept within a medicine bottle that is stored in a refrigerator and identified by a magnet located on the refrigerator door. While effective, this program was identified as cumbersome by the front end user and difficult to locate by the responder.

The File of Life program is connected with the Community Paramedic program that received one time funding in 2014. The File itself is simple and cost effective and has invoked interest from many community partners. The community paramedic program is working with agencies to educate public and responders to the current File.

The File of Life is recognized by all first responder in Guelph-Wellington and has a lot of valuable health information in situations of crisis. It is available in multiple languages.

The product was created with collaboration with Guelph Family Health Team, Community Care Access Centre, and Canadian Mental Health. The use of the Guelph Wellington Emergency Medical Service crest is consistent with other municipalities community paramedic programs and will therefore be recognized generically by responders throughout the Province.

Information that is populated by the File for Life owner is related to their health and includes their medical history, medications, allergies, and other information that is useful during hospital transport.

As the product has been distributed, continual evaluation has been completed to improve the product. Consultation with the City of Guelph accessibility officer has recommended improvements to fonts and layout.

Future prints of the File of Life will have information on returning unused and expired medications as sponsored by the Prescription Medication Steering committee.

Supporting Guelph Wellbeing, this program connects individuals in a valuable way during crisis.

File of Life fridge magnet request form

Click the link below to download the form then open it in Adobe Reader.

Download File of Life Request Form

For more information

Guelph-Wellington Community Paramedicine
Public Services, Emergency Services
office: 519-822-1260 extension 3379
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 519-840-3565
Twitter: @gwps_cp

Also available on Hypercare: search ‘paramedic’.