Urban design

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The City’s urban design plans and policies make Guelph a beautiful, sustainable and enjoyable place where people want to live, work and play.

Creating Guelph’s urban design manual

Guelph is growing, and the way we are growing is changing. As more people come to live and work in Guelph, urban design plays an important role in planning and developing more intensified and complete mixed-used neighbourhoods.

The goal of Guelph’s Urban Design Manual is to provide a thoughtful and consistent approach to urban design in our city.

To create the manual, we’ve reviewed urban design policy and best practices and consulted with industry and community stakeholders. About 200 people participated in the manual development process. When it is complete, the manual will include three volumes:

  • Volume 1: Urban design vision
  • Volume 2: Urban design action plan
  • Volume 3: Urban design standards

Urban Design Manual

For more information

Planning, Building, Engineering and Environment
[email protected]