Building our Future: Open Spaces, Recreation, Culture and Library

Capital Programs of Work

Open Spaces, Recreation, Culture and Library


This program of work focuses on ensuring equipment and facilities are maintained, renewed and expanded to meet expected service level delivery of a growing population for open spaces, recreation, culture and library. It also promotes a connected, vibrant and healthy community by providing safe and accessible public spaces that facilitate gathering, events, programs, recreation and destinations. The facility deliverables of this program of work enrich life experiences through performing arts, museums, public art, events and entertainment.

This work includes all assets and associated studies and plans required to develop robust asset management plans, master plans and growth strategies.

2021 to 2030 project highlights


  • Renew River Run Centre equipment to ensure the continued exceptional level of programing (CT0007, RR0103, RR0107).
  • Replace Sleeman Centre equipment to meet existing client expectations and to attract new opportunities (RF0028, RF0052, RF0078).


  • Build the new Central Library as part of Baker District (LB0028)
  • Minor upgrades and repairs to current main branch to enable use and access until new main branch is constructed at Baker Street (LB0020).
  • Invest in technology to support the ever-evolving nature of access and use of the library system (LB0019).

Open Spaces and Recreation

  • Build South End Community Centre (RF0290).
  • Implement the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan and Trails Master Plan (PK0073).
  • Implement recommendations in second phase of the Urban Forest Management Plan and continue with a robust maintenance plan (P00037).
  • Replace aging playground equipment and infrastructure to meet the needs of the community (PK0102).
  • Plan and construct new trails and off-road pedestrian routes to continue the connection of the city via non-vehicle modes (PK0002).
  • Construct new parks, such as Dallan Park, to provide our community with outdoor recreation opportunities (PK0076).
  • Design and construct the Parks Operations Building (PO0035) as part of the overall Operations Hub.

Operating impacts

Forecasted impacts from the 2021 recommended capital spending will be $6,962,567 attributed to the following:
  • LB0028 Main Branch New and PK0120 Baker District Open Space: net operating cost of $3,500,000 for facility operations and management, programming costs and revenues, facility and equipment maintenance and renewal
  • RP0290 South End Community Centre and RF0091 South End Community Centre Equipment: net operating cost of $2,434,187 for facility operations and management, programming costs and revenues, facility and equipment maintenance and renewal
Parks Operations: $1,028,380 from additional work required to operate, repair and maintain the growing number of fields, fleet, parks, trails and trees.

Information Technology projects Forecasted impact
PK0002 New Trail Construction $119,800
PK0014 Eastview Community Park  New Amenity Construction $16,600
PK0060 Downtown Riverwalk New Amenity Construction $8,300
PK0068 Starwood/Watson Roads New Park Master Plan/Construction $12,600
PK0075 Downtown Pedestrian Bridge New Design and Construction $1,280
PK0076 Dallan New Park Master Plan and Construction $13,000
PK0102 Playground Equipment Replacement $2,800
PO0017 Sports Fields / Courts Replacement and Upgrade $1,700
PO0025 Parks Infrastructure Replacement and Upgrade $1,000
PO0037 Urban Forest Management Plan Implementation (multi-year approvals) $775,000 ($90,000 in 2022)
PO0039-001 Growth 1 Ton Trucks $76,300

Budget details

2021 Open Spaces, Recreation, Culture and Library capital budget

2021 to 2030 operating budget impact from capital