Resource conservation (energy efficiency) program

Energy efficiency requirements

Part 12 and Ministry of Municipal Affairs (MMA) Supplementary Standard SB-10 of the 2012 Building Code outline the energy and water efficiency requirements for both Part 3 buildings and for Part 9 non-residential buildings.

New requirements in SB-10 came into effect on January 1, 2017 that will result in a 13% improvement over previous energy efficiency measures. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs has revised the options applicants can use to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of SB-10, as detailed in the December 22, 2016 version of SB-10.  Note that as of January 1, 2018, the previous version of SB-10, dated September 14, 2012, is no longer applicable and may not be used for demonstrating compliance.

The Energy Efficiency Design Summary (EEDS) forms outline the compliance options available to designers and list the documentation required to be submitted for each of the particular options. The following is a list of documentation that must be submitted regardless of selected compliance option:

  • Energy Efficiency Design Summary form (either Part 3 or Part 9 non-residential)
  • All documentation listed in the EEDS form specific to the selected compliance option
  • MMA Project Information Form
  • Air barrier section and detail drawings indicating continuity of the air barrier (included as part of the architectural drawing permit set)
  • Heat loss / heat gain calculations
  • Ventilation rate calculations, and
  • Lighting power density calculations

Depending on the selected compliance path, the following information may also be required:

  • Energy simulation output report
  • CO2e emission calculations
  • Peak electric demand calculations

Application requirements

For permit applications use this flow diagram to determine which compliance option(s) are suitable for use with your project.

Once you have identified the compliance option, complete one of the applicable forms: Energy Efficiency Design Summary (EEDS) for Part 3 buildings or Energy Efficiency Design Summary (EEDS) for Part 9 non-residential buildings.

The EEDS forms detail the additional documentation requirements for each compliance path. To help avoid delaying issuance of a building permit, please ensure that all required documentation is complete and submitted per the instructions below. See section on submission of documentation for full details.

Note that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs has revised the SB-10 checklist forms referenced in the above documents.  These forms are available for download at

Submissions applying one of the performance compliance paths referenced in the EEDS forms above must include an energy model summary report detailing the simulation results for both proposed and reference buildings, along with a complete list of assumptions used to model the building envelope, HVAC, water heating and lighting/electrical equipment of both the proposed and reference buildings.

Exempt buildings

Building types exempt from complying with Part 12 are listed in Sentence of the Building Code and exceptions specific to the Supplementary Standard SB-10 are listed in Article of Division 3 of SB-10. To assist designers, the following document provides a summary of these exemptions:

Submission of documentation

All of the above referenced documentation must be submitted electronically using the Guelph Permit and Application System at the time of permit application. Please note that building permits cannot be issued until all energy efficiency forms and documentation have been received and reviewed.

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For more information

Patrick Andres, MASc., P.Eng.
Technical Lead, Resource Conservation and Mechanical Systems
City of Guelph
519-837-5615 extension 3478
[email protected]