Guelph, Ont., March 27, 2025 – With the weather warming up and sunshine on the way, the City is celebrating the return of Spring with some tips and reminders to help you make the most of the season.
Calling all green thumbs!
- Register for the Clean & Green community cleanup by March 28
- Leave your leaves and grass clippings where they are until the weather gets warmer. This will add nutrients to your lawn and help protect our native insects who hibernate and nest in leaves.
- Yard waste will be collected on your grey cart day starting March 31
- Book a free Healthy Landscapes visit – spots open from May 5
- Stay tuned for more information about our Community Tree Giveaway; registration will begin April 22
- Volunteer or rent a plot at your local community garden
- Help us protect Guelph’s trees! Please don’t tap City-owned or shared maple trees.
Has the warmer weather inspired you to get out and explore?
- Reminder: All outdoor ice rinks are now closed for the season
- Spring/Summer recreation registration opened on March 19; visit to see what’s in store.
- Check out the spring programming coming to River Run and Guelph Museums
- We need your help to design three new playgrounds; HaveYourSay by March 30
- Doors Open Guelph will take place on April 26; more details will be shared soon.
- Drive cautiously near turtle warning signs and brake for wildlife wherever possible
- City sports fields are still too damp to use. Please stay off and stay tuned for updates about when they’ll be ready to open.
Melting snow and ice can be rough on our roads:
- We’re ramping up road maintenance and general repairs, and we appreciate your patience as we work to address issues that developed during the winter.
- Use the Report a Problem map to report potholes, sidewalk damage and other hazards.
- Before you dig, call 1-800-400-2255 or visit to request utility locates.
- Exercise caution near waterways and call 519-837-5628 to report a flood or a problem on a trail.
- Help us ensure that City lands can be enjoyed by everyone. Pick up dog waste, throw garbage in bins, and report dumping or improper use of City lands.
Keep an eye on our social media channels and for more updates on yard waste pickup, City programs, community events and more in the coming weeks.
For more information
Service Guelph
[email protected]