On this page
How can I register?
We have three convenient ways for you to register:
- Online at recenroll.ca. Check out our frequently asked questions to help you navigate registering online.
- By telephone. Call: 519-837-5699 / TTY: 519-826-9771.
- In person at one of the following locations:
- Evergreen Seniors Community Centre, 683 Woolwich Street
- ServiceGuelph, City Hall, 1 Carden Street
- Victoria Road Recreation Centre, 151 Victoria Road North
- West End Community Centre, 21 Imperial Road South
- Guelph Sports Dome, 375 College Street West
Payment information
Registered program fees
- Fees shown do not include taxes
- Taxes are not applicable for registered programs for children/youth (14 years of age and younger)
Non-resident fees
Non-residents are charged an additional 15% per participant per program.
Payment methods
- Visa
- MasterCard
- American Express
- Approved FAIR payments
- City Card
- Approved FAIR payments
- City Card
- Saved credit card on account
In person:
- Cash
- Debit
- Cheque
- City Card
- Visa
- MasterCard
- American Express
- Approved FAIR payments
- Approved Children’s Foundation funding
- JumpStart funding
Non-sufficient funds fee
$40 is charged for a returned cheque.
Fee assistance
Everyone should have the opportunity to participate in recreation programs. To help with this, the City has designed the Fee Assistance in Recreation Program (FAIR). There are a variety of ways the City can help you with fee assistance.
Program cancellations
- Programs with insufficient enrollment are cancelled with at least five days notification
- Fees for cancelled programs will be fully refunded (refund will be an account credit)
Refund policy
Registered programs
- A prorated refund is issued for all courses cancelled by the City of Guelph
- Participants are eligible for a full refund if requested 16 or more calendar days before program start (in person, online, or by phone)
- Request for refunds within 6-15 days are subject to Supervisor approval. A $20 plus tax administration fee will be deducted from any approved refund amount. Multiple refunds will be subject to a $20 plus tax administration fee for each program
- No refunds will be processed within 5 days of the program start date (medical exceptions excluded)
- Transfers are subject to City approval within 15 days of the program start date
- Participants will receive a pro-rated refund if a medical certificate is submitted to the City of Guelph before the halfway point of the course customer service staff can be reached at 519-837-5699 for further support on registration, program and booking refunds.
Recreation and Fitness passes
Drop-in admissions
Timed passes
3 month Recreation and Fitness passes
- Non-refundable, with the exception of a prorated refund for medical reasons when a doctor’s note is presented
- Non-transferable
- No suspensions or extensions
12 month Recreation and Fitness passes
- Non-refundable, with the exception of a prorated refund for medical reasons when a doctor’s note is presented
- Non-transferable
- Maximum of two suspensions/extensions will be permitted totaling a maximum of 90 days
Per visit punch passes (includes 10 and 20 visit cards)
- Non-refundable
- Non-transferable
Account credits
Credits left on account are to be used within one year from date of origin. Unclaimed credits will be donated to Recreation subsidy programs.
Accessible programming
The City of Guelph is dedicated to making our programs and services accessible and inclusive to all members of our community. We do this through Inclusion Support, which is offered to individuals diagnosed with physical, cognitive and/or developmental disabilities, and provides assistance to them when participating in programs. Learn more about our program supports for individuals with disabilities.
To learn more about the City’s commitment to accessibility, please visit our Accessibility page.