Summer camp

four children lying in a tent

Our programs are packed with thrilling games, sports, crafts, and activities that cater to each age group. We take pride in crafting experiences that are challenging, inclusive, and most importantly, fun! Our approach encourages campers to explore new things and reach their full potential while having a blast.

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Here are the top five awesome things about the City of Guelph summer camps:

  1. It’s all about having a blast! Camp is the perfect place to let loose and have some serious fun.
  2. Everyone is welcome, so come one, come all. We want to share the joy of camp with every single person!
  3. With so many different activities on offer, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. From sports to arts and crafts, we’ve got it all.
  4. Safety is our top priority, and our staff are highly trained to ensure that all campers are secure and protected.
  5. We don’t believe in sitting still! Our camps are designed to keep kids active and engaged, so they’ll never be bored. Plus, it’s a great chance to make new friends and be part of a wonderful community.’

What to expect at camp

A week prior to camp starting, you will receive an email with procedures for camp. Please ensure you have an active email in our registration system and you have agreed to receive emails. You will also need to fill out a copy of our Camper Information Form to bring with you on the first day of camp.

Our days at camp start with morning song circle, then we have a mix of small group rotations, and a large group game. We have frequent washroom breaks during our transitions. After lunch, we play more games, songs, and do crafts. Some camps swim or do camp specific activities.

All our camps encourage fair play, fun and co-operation. We encourage campers to try all the activities camp staff planned – you never know when something will become your new favourite thing!

Employee certification and child supervision

All City camp employees are certified in Standard First Aid and CPR C and have a clear criminal and vulnerable sector check.

Our camp employees are carefully selected based on their past experiences, skills, enthusiasm and ability to work with children. They also participate in a mandatory, pre-camp training program covering topics such as leadership, motivation, teamwork, parent feedback, policies and procedures, as well as specifics about camp programs and management expectations.

Employee to child ratios

Weekly ratios are 1:10 for camps aged 5-12 and 1:6 for camps aged 4-6.

Drop off / pick up (full day camps only)

Drop off is between 8:30 and 9 a.m.

Pick up is between 4 and 5 p.m. When you arrive at your camp location, a City employee will ask you for your camper(s) name(s) and ask you to present your ID each day. Please ensure your child is picked up by 5 p.m. at the latest. Late fees will be applied after 5 p.m., please see chart below:

Pick up time Late fee
5-5:15 p.m. $5.00
5:15-5:20 p.m. $8.00
5:20-5:25 p.m. $11.00

Drop off and pick up do not apply to half day camps.

If your camper is going to be later than 9 a.m., please let us know via email [email protected] or call the camp cell phone 226-821-1184.

What to wear and what to bring

Campers should wear comfortable clothing that is weather appropriate. For their safety and protection, they should wear closed toe shoes, hats and sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher). We are not responsible for lost or missing items. Please label your camper’s clothing and personal items so lost items can be identified. Campers should avoid bringing money, electronic devices and other valuables. Each camp has a separate lost and found.

Snacks and lunches

Please pack a refillable water bottle, snack and lunches that will not spoil. We typically eat morning snack around 10 a.m., lunch at noon and afternoon snack around 2 p.m. Please be sensitive to those campers with life-threatening food allergies. All camps are ‘Nut Aware.’ We ask that you do not send products containing nuts or that may contain nuts listed on the labels. Please remind your child that they are not to share any food with the other campers. We are very active in camp and suggest packing a few extra snacks just in case. All locations have access to water fountains and we have frequent water breaks throughout the day.

Bad weather

Our camps take advantage of as much outdoor time as possible. On rainy or smog alert days, we will minimize outdoor time as necessary. In the case of extreme hot weather, precautions are taken to keep campers hydrated and in cool or air-conditioned areas where possible. We follow the heat/smog alerts sent out by Environment Canada and through Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health/City of Guelph.

Disruptive behaviour management

We review rules each morning and ask that you talk to your camper about listening, following rules and keeping hands to themselves. We do our best to ensure campers are safe and have fun. Behaviour is handled in a fair and consistent manner using progressive behaviour management strategies. City employees use approaches that are positive, supportive, consistent, proactive, and based on logical consequences. The City of Guelph reserves the right to withdraw a child from camp should their behaviour jeopardize the physical safety and security of themselves, participants, City employees or property. Communication is provided to all parents/guardians should a situation arise.