On this page
The York Road reconstruction work will be split into three smaller sections to help with traffic circulation during the 2024 construction season. This page is to assist customers find the best way to local business impacted by the road work.
Stage 1
The first stage included the intersection of Stevenson St South to Brockville Avenue. The work for stage 1 was completed in 2023. There may be some minor work in this area, however the road will remain open.
Stage 2
The second stage of this project will be York Road from Brockville Avenue to Victoria Road South. The City has divided this area into 3 smaller sections to ensure local access can be maintained. York Road will be closed in each section separately, starting with 2a, then 2b, and ending with 2c. This page will be updated as the project moves into each stage, complete with updated maps.
Stage 2a: (Completed) York Road closed from the intersection Brockville Avenue to 30 metres east of Brockville Avenue.
Stage 2b: May 27-August 2024) This stage, shown in purple will see York Road closed from 30 metres east of Brockville Avenue to the intersection of Audrey Avenue.
Stage 2c: This stage will see York Road closed from Audrey Avenue to Victoria Road South. This stage may include lane closures on Victoria Road South however Victoria Road will remain open throughout construction.
List of businesses
- Location 1: Ferra Flooring Carpet One, Unitarian Congregation of Guelph
- Location 2: Guelph Little Theater, Luke’s Carpentry
- Location 3: Steele Bros., Star Mechanical, Busato Woodworking, Royal City Community Fitness, MME Bin Rentals, George’s Electric, Sign Art, Centrix Building Group
- Location 4: Wike Bike
- Location 5: Guelph Paving, Turf Plus, M&N Motor, Guelph Auto Detailing, Escarpment Laboratories, Vault Active Relief Centre
- Location 6: Riot Axe, Lean Strong Fitness, Dauntless Canines
- Location 7: Restoration Design Inc., Vinnie’s Mr Fixit, Spira Fire Protection, Rite Way Mechanical
- Location 8: Global Gas Station, JPL Services Inc., Gallery 404, Ed Video, Lost Aviator Coffee, York Auto Sales
- Location 9: Base & Co Hair, Klops Meat, Old World Woodworking
- Location 10: Tremble Communications, Superior Steel Fabricators
- Location 11: Na Ha Thai, Café Greek Garden
- Location 12: York Business Centre (490 York Road)
- Location 13: Lyon Park, Lyon Pool
Business access maps stage 2b
Location 1: Corner of York Road and Harris Street
- Ferra Flooring Carpet One
- Unitarian Congregation of Guelph
Directions from East: Continue north on Victoria Road, then turn left on Elizabeth Street and then left on Stevenson Street, then turn right on York to your destination. Follow signage for detour #1.
Directions from West: Continue on York Road to your destination.
Location 2: Morris Street
- Guelph Little Theater
- Luke’s Carpentry
Directions from East: Continue north on Victoria Road, then turn left on Elizabeth Street and then left on Stevenson Street, then turn right on York then turn right on Morris Street to your destination. Follow signage for detour #1.
Directions from West: Turn left on Morris Street to your destination.
Location 3: Johnston Street and Stevenson Street South
- Steele Bros.
- Star Mechanical
- Busato Woodworking
- Royal City Community Fitness
- MME Bin Rentals
- George’s Electric
- Sign Art
- Centrix Building Group
Directions from East: Continue north on Victoria Road, then turn left on Elizabeth Street and then left on Stevenson Street to your destination. Follow signage for detour #1.
Directions from West: Turn left on Stevenson Street South to your destination.
Location 4: Stevenson Street South
- Wike Bike
Directions from East: Continue north on Victoria Road, then turn left on Elizabeth Street and then left on Stevenson Street, to your destination. Follow signage for detour #1.
Directions from West: Turn left on Stevenson Street South to your destination.
Location 5: Smith Avenue
- Guelph Paving
- Turf Plus
- M&N Motor
- Guelph Auto Detailing
- Escarpment Laboratories
- Vault Active Relief Centre
Directions from East: Continue north on Victoria Road, then turn left on Elizabeth Street and then left on Stevenson Street. Then turn left on Beverly Street and then right on Smith Avenue to your destination. Follow signage for detour #1 to Beverley Street.
Directions from West: Turn left on Stevenson Street, then turn right on Beverley Street, then right on Smith Avenue to your destination.
Location 6: Beverley Street
- Riot Axe
- Lean Strong Fitness
- Dauntless Canines
Directions from East: Continue north on Victoria Road, then turn left on Elizabeth Street and then left on Stevenson Street, then turn left on Beverley Street to your destination. Follow signage for detour #1 to Beverley Street.
Directions from West: Turn left on Stevenson Street, then turn right on Beverley Street to your destination.
Location 7: Hayes Avenue
- Restoration Design Inc.
- Vinnie’s Mr Fixit
- Spira Fire Protection
- Rite Way Mechanical
Directions from East: Continue north on Victoria Road, then turn left on Elizabeth Street and then left on Stevenson Street. Then turn left on Beverly Street and then right on Hayes Avenue to your destination. Follow signage for detour #1 to Beverley Street.
Directions from West: Turn left on Stevenson Street, then turn right on Beverley Street, then right on Hayes Avenue to your destination.
Location 8: York Road
- Global Gas Station
- JPL Services Inc.
- Gallery 404
- Ed Video
- Lost Aviator Coffee
- York Auto Sales
Directions from East: Continue north on Victoria Road, then turn left on Elizabeth Street and then left on Stevenson Street. Then turn left on Beverly Street and then right on Hayes Avenue to your destination. Follow signage for detour #1 to Beverley Street.
Directions from West: Turn left on Stevenson Street, then turn right on Beverley Street, then right on Hayes Avenue to your destination.
Global Gas is accessible via York from the west. (green arrow)
Location 9: York Road
- Base & Co Hair
- Klops Meat
- Old World Woodworking
Note: Construction activities may temporarily impact access off York Road.
Directions from East: Continue north on Victoria Road, then turn left on Elizabeth Street and then left on Stevenson Street. Then turn left on Beverly Street and then right on Kingsmill Avenue to your destination. Follow signage for detour #1 to Beverley Street.
Directions from West: Turn left on Stevenson Street, then turn right on Beverley Street, then right on Kingsmill Avenue.
Location 10: Kingsmill Avenue
- Tremble Communications
- Superior Steel Fabricators
Directions from East: Continue north on Victoria Road, then turn left on Elizabeth Street and then left on Stevenson Street. Then turn left on Beverly Street to your destination. Follow signage for detour #1.
Directions from West: Turn left on Stevenson Street, then turn right on Beverley Street to your destination.
Location 11: York Road
- Na Ha Thai
- Café Greek Garden
Note: Rear parking can be accessed from Audrey Avenue.
Directions from East: Continue on York Road to your destination.
Directions from West: Turn left on Stevenson Street, then turn right on Elizabeth Street, then right on Victoria Road South, then right on York Road to your destination. Follow signage for detour #1.
Location 12: York Road
- York Business Centre (490 York Road)
Directions from East: Continue on York Road to your destination.
Directions from West: Turn left on Stevenson Street, then turn right on Elizabeth Street, then right on Victoria Road South, then right on York Road to your destination. Follow signage for detour #1.
Location 13: Waterworks Place
- Lyon Park
- Lyon Pool
Directions from East: Continue north on Victoria Road, then turn left on Elizabeth Street and then left on Stevenson Street, then turn right on York then turn right on Morris Street to your destination. Follow signage for detour #1.
Directions from West: Turn Right on Waterworks Place to your destination.