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Equity in Action Fund
This grant recognizes that efforts to address systemic issues is often best tackled through a collaborative, coalition or group of organizations working towards a common goal. Eligible partnerships or groups must demonstrate the community need for the proposed initiative(s) and how it aligns with the City of Guelph’s strategic plan.
Community Grants
This annual grant supports local organizations that offer programs and services to improve community wellbeing. Eligible organizations can apply for funding that supports operating costs, events, special programs or projects, or for small capital items that support the quality of life of Guelph residents.
This program offers small grants for creative ideas that activate neighbourhoods and arts-based initiatives. While open to everyone, projects and initiatives that centre equity and reconciliation, as well as those led by individuals identifying as members of equity-deserving groups will be prioritized for funding.
Resilience Fund
This grant will fund capacity building for local organizations to strengthen their current and future operations. Organizations may apply to access funding for strategic and core operations including strategic planning, evaluation, staffing/volunteer requirement and training, or communications and marketing.
Youth Climate Action Fund Micro-grant program
Are you aged 15 to 24 years old? Want to make a difference in the Guelph community? Are you ready to take action on climate change and help the environment? If so, the Youth Climate Action Fund (YCAF) Micro-grant program is for you!
Community Grant Allocation Working Group
The Community Grant Allocation Working Group meets to discuss and recommend the allocation of annual Community Grant Program funding to eligible community benefit organizations.