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Corporate Projects
The Corporate Projects program of work focuses on a diverse range of projects that support the City’s operating departments and includes planning studies, renewal of administration facilities, investment in corporate technology, and renewal of vehicle and equipment.
Planning and Strategic Initiatives identifies projects, and corporate-focused studies and reviews that include the City’s Official Plan, secondary plans, asset management and facility space needs assessments.
Facility Renewal and Expansion identifies investments required to accommodate corporate functions that include Finance, Human Resources, Legal and Realty Services, Court Services, Fleet Services and Operations.
Equipment and Vehicle Renewal and Expansion includes the necessary supporting assets for corporate functions and includes technology infrastructure, ancillary equipment and fleet vehicles.
2021 to 2030 project highlights
Planning and Strategic Initiatives
- Update the Development Charge Background Study (GG0239) and Community Benefit Strategy (GG0254) in order to collect funds from new development to offset the cost of growth related infrastructure.
- Official Plan Review and Implementation (PL0054) required by the Planning Act to be completed every 5 years. Additionally, land use and policy studies (PL0057) support the plan update.
Facility Renewal and Expansion
- Continue to invest in 100% Renewable Energy Initiatives (GG0261) to meet the goal of 100% renewable energy by 2050.
Equipment and Vehicle Renewal
- Replacement of vehicles in the Ontario Building Code (OBC) fleet (FT0007) that have reached the end of their life.