Sustaining our Future: Contaminated Sites

Capital Programs of Work

Contaminated Sites


This program of work includes investments required to manage and mitigate the City’s liabilities associated with City-owned environmentally contaminated sites.

The City has identified 43 properties, roads and/or right-of-ways (ROW) that are known to be contaminated or are potentially contaminated based on their historical use (e.g. as former industrial or commercial uses or historical landfill sites).

The financial liability associated with these sites is significant. It is estimated that it could cost up to $26 million to maintain, mitigate, or remediate these properties based on current information.

The focus is to proactively manage the City’s contaminated site liabilities from an engineering perspective.

2021 to 2030 project highlights

  • Redevelop under-used sites in the downtown contributing to revitalization of neighbourhoods, meeting provincial intensification targets, and driving economic development.
  • Comply with Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) requirements and address environmental risks for City-owned sites.
  • Continue to cleanup historical landfill sites.

Operating impacts

There are no forecasted impacts from the 2021 recommended capital spending.

Budget details

2021 Contaminated Sites capital budget

2021 to 2030 operating budget impact from capital

No operating impacts from 2021 to 2030.