Infrastructure Planning and Construction


Engineering and Transportation Services
Infrastructure Planning and Construction

What we do

Engineering and Transportation Services plan, design and manage the construction and rehabilitation of essential municipal services such as roads, watermains, sewers, active transportation facilities and other infrastructure. We also conduct engineering reviews for development applications (e.g. subdivisions) to ensure growth projects meet City standards.

This team manages and delivers on a significant capital project portfolio for a variety of engineering disciplines including environmental, stormwater, water, wastewater, and transportation.

One of this department’s mandates is to manage traffic operations including traffic signals, plan for the city’s future transportation needs and implement improvements to existing transportation infrastructure, which includes road safety initiatives and providing parking services in downtown Guelph.

The City’s corporate asset management and project management programs are also administered through this department.

Why we do it

Engineering and Transportation Services completes work that is essential to the health and prosperity of the city and the environment. We contribute to Powering our Future by ensuring municipal services are properly designed and constructed to support growth. Our contributions to the Sustaining our Future priority includes remediating contaminated sites and protecting the environment through design and review. Planning and building the city’s transportation network is essential to Navigating our Future. We deliver excellent customer service in parking, stormwater, development, and crossing guard services as part of the Working Together for our Future strategic priority. And we complement all the work done in the Building our Future priority by ensuring assets provide acceptable levels of service to the community.

2021 to 2024+ initiatives

  • Plan, design and deliver major linear (roads and pipes) infrastructure construction projects throughout the city and as approved in the capital plan, including project management, contract administration, inspection and surveying services.
  • Provide development engineering review services to support city growth.
  • Complete the Clair Maltby Master Environmental Servicing Plan, the Stormwater Management Master Plan, and the Water/Wastewater Servicing Master Plan.
  • Manage the administration of the stormwater service fee, including updating the financial model and implementing the associated capital program.
  • Conduct monitoring and remediation on City-owned contaminated sites.
  • Continue work on the corporate-wide asset inventory and condition updates, with a focus on implementing a new computerized maintenance management system to improve operations and maintenance planning activities.
  • Initiate natural capital and core asset plans.
  • Develop and roll-out corporate training programs for both asset and project management across the city.

Budget details

Operating budget—Revenues and expenses

2021 budget impacts

$355,278 or 26.2% net increase in budget in 2021 due to:

  • $505,378 increase in compensation due to a three-year contract ERP Project Manager position to lead the CMMS Implementation that is funded from capital; a budget correction from 2020 which resulted in one FTE not being budgeted that was an approved position, and one FTE reallocation from the Traffic Division. The remaining increase is inflationary in nature.

2022 to 2024 budget impacts

$1,289,205 net increase in operating budget from 2022 to 2024 due to:

  • Addition of five Capital Infrastructure Project Managers, one new Subdivision Development Supervisor, one Junior Environmental Engineer, and a Construction Engineering Technologist all required to support the growing capital plan and servicing growth development in the City.
  • 2024 the budget reflects the end of the temporary project manager due to completion of the implementation of the CMMS project. Compensation and capital recovery have been removed from the budget.
  • $200,000 increase in Purchased Services for software maintenance costs related to CMMS.