Energy Management


Facilities and Energy Management
Energy Management

What we do

The Facility and Energy Management department spearheads facility design and construction for the corporation. More so today than ever before, a significant part of the work we do includes reviewing and implementing corporate energy and climate change initiatives.

Why we do it

Reducing corporate energy usage through conservation and efficiency improvements, incorporating renewable energy sources and reducing corporate greenhouse gas emissions are priority goals for both the corporation and the community. They are top of mind and align with our corporate environmental sustainability initiatives and with the Sustaining our Future Strategic Plan priority.

2021 to 2024+ initiatives

  • Continue to reduce corporate greenhouse gas emissions, improve the energy efficiency and conservation of our facilities and fleet through cross-departmental collaboration and incorporation of energy projects like the implementation of electric transit buses and fleet vehicles that support the corporate energy target of 100 per cent renewable energy (100RE) by 2050.
  • Continue to work towards the community energy target of net zero carbon by 2050 through the on-going support of the Community Energy Initiative and Our Energy Guelph.

Budget details

Operating budget—Revenues and expenses

2021 budget impacts

$10,810 or 0.4% net decrease in budget in 2021 due to:
  • $997,475 net decrease in utility costs for the savings expected from the LED street lighting upgrade offset by a transfer to the Wastewater Capital Reserve Fund in accordance with the planned repayment structure as approved by Council.
  • $73,350 decrease in purchased services due to doing business differently.
  • $92,000 decrease in transfer from Greenhouse Gas reserve. This transfer from reserve was approved in the 2020 budget as a one-time funding source for Council’s in-year decision to hire a project manager.
  • Corporate utility budget is remaining at 2020 levels as a result of the implementation of energy efficiency measures—approximately $90,000 in projected increase mitigated.

2022 to 2024 budget impacts

$442,500 net increase in operating budget from 2022 to 2024 due to:
  • $130,500 for an additional Project Manager required to deliver projects supporting the goals of reaching 100RE and community Net Zero Carbon.
  • The remaining increases are inflationary in nature.

2021 budget requests

BR 871—100RE Capital Funding Strategy