Annual reports

The City of Guelph is committed to annual performance reporting to City Council and the community to ensure accountability, transparency and engagement in local government. Please see below links to our progress report and departmental annual reports.

2023 departmental annual reports

2023 Environmental Sustainability Report

2023 Wastewater Services Annual Performance Report2023 Water Services Annual Report

2023 Water Efficiency Strategy Progress Report

2023 Water Services Summary Report

2022 departmental annual reports

2022 Environmental Sustainability Report

2022 Wastewater Services Annual Performance Report

2022 Water Services Annual Report

2022 Water Efficiency Strategy Progress Report

2022 Water Services Summary Report

2022 Waste Resource Innovation Centre Annual Report

2021 departmental annual reports

2021 Water Services Summary Report

2021 Water Services Annual Report – Guelph and Gazer Mooney Subdivision Distribution System

2021 Wastewater Services Annual Performance Report

2021 Environmental Sustainability Report

2021 Water Efficiency Strategy Progress Report

Waste Resource Innovation Centre 2021 Annual ReportWRIC 2021 Annual Report Appendices

2020 departmental annual reports

2020 Wastewater Services Annual Performance Report

2020 Environmental Sustainability Report2020 Water Services Annual and Summary Report2020 Waste Resource Innovation Centre Annual Report

2019 departmental annual reports

2019 Wastewater Services Annual Performance Report

2019 Building Services status report2019 Environmental Sustainability Report2019 Waste Resource Innovation Centre Annual Report2019 Water Services Annual and Summary Report

2018 departmental annual reports

2018 Wastewater Services Annual Performance Report

2018 Eastview Road Landfill Site (Closed) Annual Report2018 Energy and Climate Change Report2018 Water Services Annual and Summary Report2018 Annual Report – Waste Resource Innovation Centre

2017 departmental annual reports

Corporate Project Management Office2017 Annual Report – Closed Eastview Road Landfill Site2017 Water Services Annual and Summary Report2017 Annual Report – Waste Resource Innovation Centre

2016 departmental annual reports

2016 Annual Report – Closed Eastview Road Landfill Site2016 Source Water Protection Annual Report2015-2016 Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Services Annual Report2016 Water Services Annual and Summary Report2016 Annual Report – Waste Resource Innovation Centre

2015 departmental annual reports

April 2016 progress update on 2012-2016 Corporate Strategic Plan

Corporate Services

City Clerks Office

Corporate Communications and Customer Services

Court Services


Human Resources

Information Technology

Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Services

2015 Annual Report – Closed Eastview Road Landfill Site2015 Annual Report – Waste Resource Innovation CentreWater Services

Public Services

Public Services

2014 departmental annual reports

Corporate Services

City Clerk’s Office

Corporate Communications

Court Services


Human Resources

Information Technology

Legal and Realty Services

Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Services

2014 Annual Report – Closed Eastview Road Landfill Site2014 Annual Report- Waste Resource Innovation Centre

Corporate Strategic Plan Progress reports

The City will publish two editions of the Corporate Strategic Plan progress report each year to ensure accountability, transparency and encourage community engagement.

Corporate Strategic Plan Semi Annual Progress Report – February 2013

2013 departmental annual reports

Community and Social Services

Executive Summary

Business Services

Community Engagement and Social Services Liaison

Culture and Tourism

Parks and Recreation

Corporate and Human Resources

City Clerk’s Office

Corporate Communications

Court Services

Human Resources

Information Technology

Legal and Realty Services

Finance and Enterprise


Enterprise Services

Operations, Transit and Emergency Services

Bylaw Compliance, Security and Licensing

Emergency Services

Public Works


Planning, Building, Engineering and Environment

Solid Waste Resources

2012 departmental annual reports

Corporate and Human Resources

City Clerk’s Office

Corporate Communications

Court Services

Human Resources

Information Technology

Legal and Realty Services

Community and Social Services

Community and Social Services

Finance and Enterprise Services

Community and Corporate Energy

Downtown Renewal

Economic Development


Operations, Transit and Emergency Services

Bylaw Compliance, Security and Licensing

Emergency Services

Public Works


Planning, Building, Engineering and Environment

Heritage Planning

Solid Waste Resources