Robbie’s Path

Robbie Jeffery Montgomery was a young man who had a wonderful passion for nature.

Robbie, along with 60 classmates and friends, formed a group called ‘Keep them Alive’ to bring attention to a proposed condominium development along this section of the Speed River. Canvassing local residents and meeting and presenting their case with the mayor and ward councillors in 1985, Robbie was able to bring enough attention to the faults of the development that it was stopped and the area was preserved.

Unfortunately, two years after the momentous win for the environment Robbie passed away at the age of 15.

Today, thanks to Robbie and his friends, this area is part of the City’s open space system, hosting a wide variety of plants and animals for all Guelphites to enjoy.

Robbie’s Path is part of the Speed River Trail. It runs from Woodlawn Road East just east of the Speed River and continues northeast to Victoria Road where the Guelph Lake trail picks up.