On this page
The City of Guelph Property Standards By-law regulates the maintenance and occupancy of all properties located within the City of Guelph. Property standards complaints most often received by City staff include:
- dead or decaying trees which pose a safety hazard
- dilapidated buildings and structures
- substandard plumbing, electrical, heating and ventilation systems in dwelling units
The Property Standards By-law is enforced on a complaint basis.
External resources
- Information on bed bugs
- Mould Information from Health Canada
- Mould information from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Yard Maintenance
The City of Guelph’s Yard Maintenance By-law was established in 2008. The By-law regulates the general maintenance of all properties located within the City.
The purpose of the By-law is to enhance the quality of communities and/or neighbourhoods, to protect the health, safety and well-being of the public and to ensure the continued enjoyment of property for residents and property owners of the municipality.
Yard Maintenance complaints received by City staff include:
- long grass and weeds
- rubbish, garbage, litter and debris
- animal excrement
- wrecked, dismantled, inoperable or unlicensed vehicles
The Yard Maintenance By-law is enforced on a complaint basis in the majority of the City and on a pro-active basis in select areas of the City.
For more information
Property Standards
519-837-2529 extension 2526
Fax: 519-822-1751
[email protected]