Waterloo, Bristol, Wellington, and Alma Trunk Sanitary Sewer Preliminary Design Study

About the project

The City’s Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan identifies upgrades to the City’s trunk sanitary sewer network. Wastewater from your home flows through the trunk sanitary sewer network to  the Water Resource Recovery Centre for treatment. Due to the complex layout of the trunk sewers in the project area, pictured below, we’re studying the trunk sewer network comprehensively, rather than studying individual pipes within the network on a street-by-street basis. The project area includes trunk sewers along Bristol Street, Waterloo Avenue, Wellington Street West and Alma Street. Through this project, the City of Guelph is exploring options for the trunk sanitary sewer upgrades identified in the Master Plan while also exploring how we can deliver other infrastructure improvements identified in the Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan, the Stormwater Management Master Plan, and through the City’s own asset management planning.

The preliminary design study will involve collecting field information (i.e. a topographic survey and soil information), evaluating design alternatives, and presenting a preliminary design for the preferred alternative that can be carried forward in subsequent detailed design and construction projects. The preliminary design documentation will be shared on this website upon completion of the project.

Map of project area

A figure showing a map of the project study area. The Preliminary Study Area, approximately bound by Waterloo Avenue, Edinburgh Road, the Speed River, and Highway 6, including Alma Street up to Willow Road. Also, the Secondary Study Area, which includes several additional areas for which minor information will be collected for upgrades to the City’s asset database.

Project updates

The project team has completed topographic survey, legal survey, arborist work, and collected utility information. The next steps will include preparing a preliminary design as well as completing archaeological assessments when weather permits in the spring.

For more information

To ask questions, request additional information, be added to the project mailing list, or for any other items related to this project, please contact:

Colleen Gammie
Infrastructure Planning Engineer
Engineering and Transportation Services
519-822-1260 extension 2282
[email protected]