On this page
- Private property: Section of the property that is located inside the property line.
- City property: Also known as the Right-of-Way (ROW) – section of the property that is located outside the property line.
- Site services: Water lines, sanitary sewers and storm sewers from City mains to private property
- Curb stop: Water shutoff valve on the water site service that is typically located in proximity of property line. (Corporation stop, water box, water service)
Permit application requirements
Site servicing work on private property requires a building permit. Site servicing work on City property requires approval from the Engineering Department (see Servicing within the City Right-of-Way section below).
- Building permit applications are submitted on the Guelph Permit and Application System.
- Select application type Mechanical and work type Site Services
Servicing within private property
- Upload to your application a site plan or sketch with the following details:
- The building footprint with civic address, sidewalk (if applicable), street and property line.
- The location of each service to be installed, repaired or replaced with dimensions relative to building and lot lines. If only replacing a portion of the servicing, clearly indicate the section(s) of the pipe(s) to be replaced.
- Location of the curb stop.
- Indicate the type of materials, size of materials and depth of each service.
Note: Locates reports will not be accepted.
- Once the building permit has been reviewed and issued, construction can begin. The required inspections are identified on the building permit. Please book an inspection through the Guelph Permit and Application System. For questions regarding inspections, please call 519-837-5614.
Servicing within City right-of-way
- If it is determined that new, replacement, or upgraded services are required, the Engineering Technical Services team will be included in the review process.
- A site servicing drawing will need to be provided by a qualified designer/draftsperson. The drawing shall include these specific details:
- Plan of site including property lines, existing road, existing or proposed building, and existing underground infrastructure
- Metric dimensions and using a typical engineering scale (ex. 1:100, 1:250, 1:500)
- Existing and proposed servicing: material, size, location, slope, inverts, structure lid elevations, and details of connections
- Existing surface features: roadway, curb, sidewalk, driveway, utilities, hydrants, vegetation, etc.
- Following the review of the drawing, a cost estimate will be created by Technical Services staff and a security deposit will be required.
- The property owner shall be responsible for hiring the contractor to complete the servicing work within the right-of-way. Before any work can start within the right of way, a Road Occupancy Permit – Construction Works application is required.
- Inspections of servicing work within the right-of-way (ROW) will be directly coordinated between the contractor and the City’s Engineering Technical Services team via the Site Servicing Street Occupancy Permit.
- Once a contractor has been hired, it is recommended they submit a Water Commissioning Plan as an approved plan is recommended prior to applying for a Street Occupancy permit. A Water Commissioning Plan is required if the proposed water service is greater than 50mm and more than 6m in length. WCP can be submitted to [email protected].
- If a Water Commissioning Plan is required, please use the Watermain Commissioning Plan Template for Contractors (MS Word .docx)
- Following final restoration of the City infrastructure within the right-of-way (ROW), the property owner shall notify Technical Services for a final review. Once the restoration is deemed compliant, the City will release the security deposit.
- Any applicable inspection or administrative fees associated with work within the right-of-way (ROW) will be drawn from the existing security deposit or invoiced separately to the applicant.
- Plan of site including property lines, existing road, existing or proposed building, and existing underground infrastructure
Road Occupancy Permit – Construction Works
These application forms work best if downloaded, saved, and opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Road Occupancy Permit: Construction Works
Please email your complete application submission package to [email protected] for staff to review.
Contact information
For more information on site services in the right-of-way, please contact Engineering Technical Services at [email protected] or at 519-837-5604.
For more information on how to apply for a building permit for site services, please contact Building Services at [email protected] or at 519-837-5615.
For more information on the Lead Pipe Replacement Program, please contact Water Services at [email protected] or at 519-822-1260 extension 2263.
Additional contact information
Contact | Phone | Email/website |
Engineering Services | 519-837-5604 | [email protected] |
Water Services | 519-837-5627 | [email protected] |
Wastewater Services | 519-837-5629 | [email protected] |
Call Before you Dig | 1-800-400-2255 | ontarioonecall.ca |