Social Services (County of Wellington)


County of Wellington
Social Services

What we do

The County of Wellington is the Consolidated Municipal Services Manager (CMSM) for the delivery of Social Services which includes Social Housing, Child Care and the Ontario Disability Supplement Program as authorized by the Services Improvement Act and the Social Assistance Reform Act. Under this authority, the County of Wellington is responsible for establishing the budget for these services, and the City is required to make the required payments as required by the CMSM.

Why we do it

The delivery of Social Service programs is essential for supporting our most vulnerable residents and contributes to the goals of the Building our Future priority. These programs contribute to increasing the availability of housing, building safe and healthy communities and nurtures social well-being.

Budget details

Operating budget—Revenues and expenses

2021 budget impacts

($449,859) or 2.0% net decrease in budget in 2021 due to:

  • Additional details on the County budget can be found on the County website (page 35). Budget is set to be approved in January 2021.
  • $449,859 decrease is mainly due to:
    • Property tax exemption of $1,303,588 for social housing resulting in reduced subsidy and retaining $61,000 of education taxes to be used for social housing capital related works
    • Updated cost sharing ratios for administration resulting in increased costs for the City
    • Increased utility costs related to housing services

2022 to 2024 budget impacts

$2,045,369 net increase in budget from 2022-2024 due to:

  • The total budget increase for Social Services is based on the forecast provided by the County as part of the 2020 budget.