Human Resources


Human Resources

What we do

The team in the Human Resources departments works to deploy strategic talent management practices to ensure the right skillsets are in place to deliver on priorities now and in the future. We work with our current and aspiring leaders to engage and empower teams, and employees to take pride in public service.

As a team serving the organization, we facilitate workforce planning, performance management, total compensation and manage a rewards and recognition program. We strive to align our business and people strategies with performance outcomes and implement Council’s direction and decisions complying with employment-related legislative requirements.

Our corporate values of integrity, service, wellness, learning and inclusion guide everything we do and sets a foundation for culture change.

Why we do it

The Human Resources department supports the Strategic Plan by aligning people, policies and programs to ensure the City has the talent to be future ready. Our team focuses efforts on the Working Together for Our Future pillar to run an effective, fiscally responsible and trusted local government. We do this through enabling engaged, skilled and collaborative employees to meet the City’s business and service goals.

2021 to 2024+ initiatives

  • Conduct a Non-union Municipal Employee (NUME) compensation and benefit review to validate compensation that is competitive to attract and retain talent while aligning with our comparator municipalities.
  • Implement the City’s Employee Diversity and Inclusion plan to create an environment where people feel involved, respected, valued and connected.
  • Implement updates to the employee Wellness Program, Disability Management, and Attendance Support Program that will make it easier for employees to access and support their health and wellness needs.
  • Continue to implement recommendations from the Internal Payroll Audit that include system optimization and a single digital solution that modernizes current Human Resource technology resulting in cost savings and improved staff capacity.
  • Provide City leaders with the tools and resources needed to increase employee engagement through annual survey data and ongoing support to ensure an inclusive work environment and effective service delivery.
  • Renew the employee value proposition to align people policies and programs with the Strategic Plan and Corporate Values including:
    • Update workforce-planning data (projected retirements, turnover, etc.).
    • Update learning and development competencies and learning opportunities.
    • Continue the career path program to support employee career growth.

Budget details

Operating budget—Revenues and expenses

2021 budget impacts

$316,120 or 10.7% net decrease in budget in 2021 due to:

  • $139,000 increase in compensation for the extension of a contract data analyst position offset by a transfer from the Compensation Contingency Reserve.
  • $300,000 decrease in expenses related to the reversal of the one-time budget request in 2020 for the payroll optimization project funded from reserve.
  • $316,000 increase in internal recoveries for increased corporate recoveries from non-tax related businesses.
  • Remaining budget changes are inflationary in nature.

2022 to 2024 budget impacts

$325,340 net increase in operating budget in 2022 to 2024 due to inflationary changes.

Budget request

BR 837—Extension of temporary compensation and data analyst position.