2022 City of Guelph Satisfaction Survey results

The City’s 2022 satisfaction survey results show that our residents continue to be happy with life in Guelph, and with City services.

Between March 29 and April 16, we surveyed a random sample of Guelph residents to learn about their experiences with City programs and services, customer service, and communication, as well as their perception of Guelph’s quality of life.

Satisfaction research helps us to understand if we’re meeting our mission to deliver responsible and responsive public service to Guelph’s growing and diverse community. The survey findings also help us to identify opportunities where we can continue to make investments to ensure the city is future ready and a great place for everyone.

What we heard

Of the 600 Guelph residents surveyed by phone:

  • 96 per cent rate the quality of life in Guelph as good or very good
  • 95 per cent are proud to say they are from Guelph
  • 94 per cent agree that Guelph is a welcoming community
  • 90 per cent also agree that Guelph is an environmentally responsible city
  • 71 per cent of millennials are slightly more optimistic about Guelph’s future, and their role in it compared to boomers (61 per cent) and Gen Xers (56 per cent)
  • 78 per cent perceive Guelph as a great place to own a business
  • 78 per cent remain satisfied with the value they receive for their tax dollars, including user rates and fees
  • 35 per cent express a preference for increasing user fees, whereas 32 per cent prefer increasing taxes to support City services instead of decreasing service levels

When asked about their most recent interaction with the City:

  • 76 per cent say they are satisfied with the information or service provided
  • 80 per cent believe that the City provides information in an open and transparent way
  • 8 per cent say they’ve experienced barriers or difficulties in accessing City programs and service, with physical and accessibility barriers cited most often

Residents who had contact with the City between March 2021 and March 2022 say the information or services provided are:

  • Fair and equitable: 81 per cent agree
  • Easy and accessible: 80 per cent agree
  • Accurate and reliable: 79 per cent agree
  • Timely: 78 per cent agree
  • Personal: 74 per cent agree

The survey was conducted at a time when the Guelph community is facing challenges and pressures like ongoing COVID-19 impacts, inflation, and increasing housing affordability issues. Considering these challenges, the survey results tell us that what we’re doing to adjust during this time of flux is working for most of our community, and we’re glad to hear people are generally happy living in Guelph. What we heard also tells us that there’s more work to do around equity, accessibility, and affordable housing.

We’ll use the results to support and inform corporate initiatives and processes like the multi-year budget and upcoming strategic plan refresh, improve program or service design and delivery, and enhance the resident experience.

The survey results, along with Guelph’s Community Plan and the City’s strategic plan, also serve as a guide in our journey to run a modern government, one that is effective, fiscally responsible, and trusted by the community.


Between March 29 and April 16, the City conducted its third satisfaction survey since 2017 to better understand resident needs and expectations. Ipsos administered the survey and completed 600 interviews by phone with residents 18 years or older. An additional 287 self-selected respondents participated in an online survey, between March 28 and April 19. Thank you to all those who participated—nearly 900 people answered the survey.

The 2022 information collected was compared to past City of Guelph satisfaction surveys, as well as Ipsos’ municipal database wherever possible.

The City will continue to conduct the survey every two years, with the next one planned for 2024.
