Future in Focus: Building Guelph Together

Guelph’s Priorities for the
2025 Provincial Election


The proposed priorities for the provincial election advocacy campaign focus on urgent issues facing the community – namely housing and community safety and wellbeing. These priorities are aligned with major provincial party platforms and reflect key local areas of concern as identified through the 2024 Guelph Satisfaction survey. The three key priorities that Guelph is amplifying throughout the 2025 provincial election are for the province to:

  • Collaborate with municipalities to build housing for everyone
  • Invest in community safety and wellbeing
  • Reduce reliance on municipal property taxes to support affordability

Housing for Everyone

In 2024, 1 out of 3 Guelph residents reported that housing affordability was the most important issue facing the City, and over half believed that the quality of life in Guelph has decreased, largely due to affordability issues. This is a significant shift from the findings of the 2022 Guelph satisfaction survey and reflects the growing scale of the housing crisis across the entire housing continuum.

The following three sections outline the key housing-related issues facing the City, and the provincial actions that are needed to support Guelph in enabling affordable housing supply, from emergency and community housing to market rate rentals and ownership units.

Infrastructure Growth and Renewal

The City of Guelph requires flexible, predictable, and long-term provincial funding to address the municipal infrastructure renewal backlog and make investments necessary to support growth.

Affordable and Community Housing

The City of Guelph and other local governments require sustainable and increased financial support to enable and provide affordable and community housing.

Provincial-Municipal Housing Collaboration

The City of Guelph calls for provincial-municipal collaboration to develop housing policies which respect municipal jurisdiction, reduce reliance on municipal property taxes for growth, and meaningfully address the barriers to developing housing supply.

Community Safety and Wellbeing

Following housing affordability, social issues and wellbeing were the second most reported priority for Guelph’s residents in 2024. 15 per cent of those surveyed indicated that poverty, homelessness, and social issues were the top issues that should receive attention from local leaders.

A significant portion of the Guelph community is facing housing barriers, affordability concerns, or health challenges that are negatively impacting their quality of life. Local governments are increasingly stepping up to compensate for lack of funding on areas of provincial responsibility in health and social services, however, municipal property taxes cannot sustainably fund these essential needs.

The following calls to action reflect the key issues on community safety and wellbeing that can be addressed with provincial support and coordination.

Homelessness, Mental Health and Substance Use

The City of Guelph calls for intergovernmental collaboration to address systemic gaps in mental health and substance use services, and to integrate health and housing to reflect the complex nature of community wellbeing.

Community-based Health Initiatives

The City of Guelph seeks permanent and predictable funding for community health initiatives, including the Community Paramedicine for Long Term Care program, to address healthcare gaps and reduce strain on hospital and emergency resources.

Renter Housing Security

The City of Guelph calls for operational improvements to the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board, and centralized provincial coordination of Residential Tenancies Act enforcement efforts to ensure housing security for renters.

For more information

Kimberly Krawczyk
Manager, Policy and Intergovernmental Relations
Strategic Initiatives and Intergovernmental Services
City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 3464
[email protected]