Urban design concept plans

Function of urban design concept plans

Urban design concept plans demonstrate how areas in Guelph could be developed in the future. The concept plans provide a visual representation of the long-term vision and development policy for specified areas. The plans help determine how an area could evolve to address local challenges while planning for the long-term needs of an area.

Urban design concept plans generally include the following:

  • A high-level illustration of the design considerations and site features (e.g. roads, pedestrian connections, public spaces and key building sites) of the area;
  • A description of the design considerations; and,
  • Illustrations showing how the urban design concept plan could be implemented.

Urban design concept plans do not impact previously approved site plans.

This work is part of the City’s Urban Design Manual project.

Community Nodes concept plans

York Road / Elizabeth Street urban design concept plans

Gordon street intensification corridor concept plan

Next steps

The concept plans and design principles will be used to guide the review of development applications for specific areas of Guelph.

For more information

Planning, Building, Engineering and Environment
[email protected]