Guelph Junction Railway Multi-Use Trail

Proposed in the Guelph Trail Master Plan, a new multi-use trail within the Guelph Junction Railway (GJR) corridor will run Woolwich Street to Woodlawn Road, connecting the Trans Canada Trail (TCT) to the Guelph to Goderich Rail Trail (G2G).

The path is to be approximately three metres wide and one kilometre long, with construction planned to begin in 2025 pending budget approval. This is an exciting project that helps us achieve an objective of our Strategic Plan by making it easier to get around. The project will help us meet growing demand for safe active transportation routes and attract more people to our parks and programs by making them easier to access and enjoy.

The trail design process includes:

  • Preliminary trail design
  • Railway Safety Audit
  • Stage 1 and Stage 2 Archaeological Assessments
  • Heritage Impact Assessment
  • Soil and geotechnical investigations
  • Tree inventory and preservation plan
  • Detailed design
  • Tender
  • Construction

Project timeline and next steps

  • Q1Q2 2024: Preliminary design and draft technical reports
  • Q3Q4 2024: Detailed design and final technical reports
  • Q1 2025: Tender, pending approval of capital budget by Council
  • 2025-2026: Construction (dates to be determined), pending approval of capital budget by Council

Proposed trail design

The PDF includes two long plans.

The first plan shows the proposed trail design starting at Woodlawn Road to 540 metres. The design illustrates the trail being located right against the Woodlawn Memorial Park property line more than 17 feet off the GJR rail. Existing trees to remain are illustrated on both sides of the trail. Rest stations are shown at the entrance to the cemetery approximately 50 metres from Woodlawn Road 260 metres and 440 metres from Woodlawn Road.

The second plan shows the proposed trail design starting from 540 metres from Woodlawn Road to Woolwich Street. The design illustrates the trail being located right against the property line of the businesses on Woolwich Street, more than 17 feet off the GJR rail. Rest stations are shown at approximately 740 metres and 880 metres from Woodlawn Road and at the trail entrance off Woolwich Street.

There is also a key map illustrating that the proposed trail is located along the Guelph Junction Railway between Woodlawn Road and Woolwich Street beside Woodlawn Memorial Park.
