Monday, February 24 – The City of Guelph has declared an end to the significant weather event as of today. Nearly all residential roads have been plowed and snow removal procedures are underway. Some remaining residential sidewalks will continue to be plowed in the coming days.
Downtown Guelph from February 24 – 27 will have no overnight street parking permitted between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. as crews work to remove snow from downtown. Vehicle owners may park in municipal lots including the Market Parkade, Macdonell Parking Lot, West Parkade and East Parkade instead. Municipal lots are free to park between the hours of 6 p.m. — 8 a.m.
As warmer temperatures occur throughout the day and into the week, snow melt may result in flooding of certain low-lying areas of the City. Please check the storm drains near your residence and ensure they are clear of debris.
Continue to be aware of where you park on City streets:
- You’re in a location where on-street parking is normally allowed. If you’re not sure, check the posted signs.
- There’s at least 3 metres of clearance between your vehicle and the opposite edge of the roadway to let emergency vehicles pass through.
Keep in mind:
There is still no on-street parking between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. (unless otherwise signed).
If you don’t leave 3 metres of space for emergency vehicles to get by, you could be ticketed or towed.
As some cycling facilities may be blocked with snow, drivers and cyclists may need to share the travel lane. Please remember to respect the 1-meter passing law when driving around cyclists.
Drivers should also watch for pedestrians that may be blocked behind snowbanks at driveways and intersections.
In the coming weeks, we may need to restrict parking on certain streets to remove snow. When that happens, we’ll post signs in affected areas 48 hours in advance so you can make plans to move your vehicle until the work is completed.

Storm drains/ fire hydrants
Please check storm drains near your property and clear them of debris such as leaves, sticks and garbage. This will allow storm water and ice melt to drain properly and prevent flooding.
To ensure Fire Services can locate and access fire hydrants, please assist us by ensuring they are clear of snow.
Ice and snow buildup can make trees heavy, causing branches to break and trees to fall. Even healthy trees that are structurally sound can fall under the weight of ice. Keep an eye on your private trees. Our forestry crews will be dealing with tree issues on City property, as they become known, and prioritized according to risk presented.
To report a concern with powerlines and outages, including a tree on a powerline, please contact Alectra Utilities at 1-833-253-2872.
For more information
[email protected]