Committee of the Whole Agenda – May 7, 2018

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Committee of the Whole –  Monday, May 7, 2018
Council Chambers, Guelph City Hall, 1 Carden Street

Open Meeting – 2 p.m.


  1. Presentation of the GLOBE Service Large Municipal Trailblazer Climate Leadership Award

 Consent Agenda – Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise

  1. IDE-2018.58 2017  Building Permit Revenue and Expenditures, Building Stabilization Reserve Fund and Annual Setting of Building Permit Fees 
  2. IDE-2018-38  139 Morris Street Brownfield Tax Increment Based Grant Deadline Extension 
  3. IDE-2018-62  Sign By-Law Variance 1515 Gordon Street 

Items for Discussion – Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise 

  1. IDE-2018.56 Community Energy Initiative Update 
  2. IDE-2018.69 Downtown Parking Master Plan Update 
  3. IDE-2018.68 Asset Management Program Progress and Policy Update 
  4. Red Light Cameras 

Consent Agenda – Governance

  1. CS-2018.47 Accountability and Transparency Policy Update 

Items for Discussion – Governance

  1. CS-2018.39 Committee of the Whole One Year Review 

Consent Agenda – Corporate Services

  1. CS-2018.14 2017 Operating Variance Report and Surplus and Deficit Allocation 
  2. CS-2018.15 2017 Year-end Capital Variance 

Items for Discussion – Corporate Services

  1. CS-2018.16 2017 Reserve and Reserve Fund Statement

Special Resolution

Transit Route 3 

  1. PS-2018-22 Guelph Transit – Route 3