Committee of the Whole Agenda – January 15, 2018

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Committee of the Whole – Monday, January 15, 2018
Council Chambers, Guelph City Hall, 1 Carden Street

Open Meeting – 2:00 p.m.


  1. Recognition of staff involved in the Conestoga College Internationally Trained Professional Internship Program
  2. 2017 United Way Guelph Wellington Dufferin Joint Union-Management Award

Consent Agenda – Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise

  1. IDE-2018.02 Faith-Based Institutions:  Response to Council Resolutions
  2. IDE-2018-04 Sign By-law Project Charter 
  3. IDE-2018.05 Sign By-law Variance -120-130 Silvercreek Parkway N. 
  4. IDE-2018.06 Sign By-law Variance – 111-193 Silvercreek Parkway N. 
  5. IDE-2018.07 55 Delhi Street Notice of Intention to Designate Pursuant to Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act 

Items for Discussion – Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise

  1. IDE-2017.130 Commercial Policy Review:  Stage 1 Commercial Analysis and Background Report  
  2. Staff Memo – Response to Questions Regarding Commercial Policy Review:  Stage 1 Commercial Analysis and Background Report  

Items for Discussion – Governance

  1. Promotional Expense Account Policy/Members of Council Expenses  
  2. Revised Materials