Information items – 2016


January 8
Reports – none
1. Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change: Minister’s Annual Report on Drinking Water, 2015
2. Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change: Chief Drinking Water Inspector Annual Report 2014 – 2015
Boards and Committees
1. Elliot Community Board of Trustees resignation: Stephen Warley

January 15
1. Indexing of Development Charges

1. GRCA Current, January 2016
2. Ontario Energy Board Notice to Customers of Union Gas Limited
3. Union Gas Limited – Request for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact Deferral Account
Boards and Committees – none

January 29
Reports – none
1. GRCA re: 2016 Budget and Levy Meeting Notice
Boards and Committees
1. Public Art Advisory Committee – October 14, 2015 Meeting Minutes
2. Public Art Advisory Committee – January 26, 2016 Meeting Agenda


February 5
1. 2015 Council Meeting Attendance
1. Township of Wainfleet re: resolution requesting that Ontario cancel RFP for added wind power generation
2. Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands re: request to Province to increase funding to Long Term Care Facilities
3. Ontario Energy Board Notice re: hearing to consider mechanisms to recover the costs of expanding natural gas service
4. Ministry of Transportation Notice re: completion of detailed design study for the Highway 7 New: Victoria Street Widening and Bridge Replacement and Shirley Avenue Extension and Widening
Boards and Committees – none

February 12
Reports – none
1. Metrolinx re: Update on Key Initiatives
2. Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health re: Response to MOHLTC Discussion Paper of December 17, 2015
Boards and Committees – none

February 19
Reports – none
1. GRCA Current, February 2016
2. AMO re: Request for Council resolutions to support AMO/LAS request for broader municipal investment powers
Boards and Committees – none

February 26
Reports – none
1. Township of Gillies re:  resolution adopted by Aurora Council regarding Ontario Municipal Board Jurisdiction
Boards and Committees
1. County of Wellington Social Services Committee meeting minutes – January 13, 2016
2. County of Wellington Social Services Committee meeting minutes – February 10, 2016


March 4
Reports – none
1. Town of Amherstburg: Request for Ontario to cancel RFP for added windpower generation
2. Township of Minden Hills: Request for review of the new OPP billing model
Boards and Committees
1. Guelph Police Services board meeting minutes – January 21, 2016

March 11
Reports – none
1. GRCA Current, March 2016
2. City of Markham re: Request to the Government of Ontario to Limit the Jurisdiction of the Ontario Municipal Board
Boards and Committees
1. Heritage Committee resignation from Lynn Allingham and D`Arcy McGee

March 24
1. Public Sector Salary Disclosure – 2015
2. 2015 Council Remuneration Report
3. 2016 Construction – Short Road Closure Traffic Impacts:  Victoria Road and Elizabeth Street Intersection and Gordon Street north of Speed River Bridge
Correspondence – none
Boards and Committees – none


April 1
1. Update – 2015 Infrastructure Scorecard
Correspondence – none
Boards and Committees – none

April 8
Reports – none
1. Regional Municipality of Peel re: Ambulance Communications and Dispatch Services Advocacy
Boards and Committees
1. GRCA Annual General Meeting Minutes – February 26, 2016

April 15
Reports – none
1. Eastern Ontario Warden’s Caucus re: Ontario Energy Board Generic Proceeding EB-2016-004
2. Township of North Stormont re: Ontario Energy Board Generic Proceeding EB-2016-004
3. Township of North Frontenac re: Independent Electrical System Operator Review of Request for Proposal Process for the Award of Renewable Energy Contracts
4. Municipality of Dutton Dunwich re: Request Changes to IESO Process
5. Township of Warwick re: Physician Recruitment
6. Municipality of Bluewater re: Physician Recruitment
Boards and Committees
1. Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes – April 14, 2016

April 22
1. Water Conservation and Efficiency Public Advisory Committee – 2015 Annual Report
1. Township of Gillies re: Enforcement of “No Wake” Zones
2. GRCA Current, April 2016
Boards and Committees
1. Guelph Police Services Board Meeting Minutes – March 17, 2016
2. Guelph Police Services Board Meeting Minutes – March 21, 2016

April 29
Reports – none
1. Bill 158 Resolutions: Township of South Stormont, Township of Clearview, Town of Prescott
2. Township of South Stormont – Resolution Regarding Ontario Energy Board Generic Proceeding EB-2016-004
3. City of Welland – Resolution Regarding Registration, Licensing and Setting Provincial Standards for Private Supportive Living Accommodations
4. Metrolinx – Joint Metrolinx/TTC Board Meeting Summary
Boards and Committees – none


May 6
1. Building Services 2015 Annual Report
1. Bill 158 Resolutions: Township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal, Township of Gillies, Town of Hawkesbury
2. Township of Champlain re: Review of the Green Energy Act
3. Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: Support for Fort McMurray – Call to Action
4. Ontario Energy Board Notice to Customers of Union Gas Limited
Boards and Committees
1. Board of Health Highlights, May 2016

May 13
Reports – none
1. Bill 158 Resolutions: Township of Dorion, County of Huron, Town of Aurora, Township of Augusta
2. City of Timmins re: Gas Prices in Ontario
3. City of Welland re: Support for the Development of Provincial Legislation for Private Supportive Living Accommodations
4. County of Huron re: IESO Municipal Support Resolutions
5. County of Huron re: Physician Recruitment
6. County of Huron re: Rural Economic Development Program
7. Region of Niagara re: Lyme Disease
8. Town of Essex re: Widening Highway 3 to Improve Public Safety
9. Town of Tillsonburg re: Workers Day of Mourning Act
10. Township of Perry re: Enforcement of ‘No Wake’ Restrictions
11. GRCA Current, May 2016
Boards and Committees – none

May 20
Reports – none
1. Municipality of Marmora and Lake re: Bill 158 (Saving the Girl Next Door Act)
2. City of Kingston re: Building Code Amendment (Infrastructure to Support Electric Vehicles)
3. Township of Wellington North re: Banning Door-to-Door Sales
Boards and Committees – none

May 27
Reports – none
1. Tay Valley Township re: Enforcement of ‘No Wake’ Restriction Legislation
2. Town of Amherstburg re: Highway 3 Widening
3. Township of Augusta re: Lyme Disease
4. Municipality of North Middlesex re: Support for Fort McMurray
5. Township of Gillies re: Bill 180 (Workers Day of Mourning Act)
6. Township of Gillies re: Suspension of the Rural Economic Development Program
7. Township of Gillies re: Resolution for Private Supportive Living Accommodations
Boards and Committees
1. Guelph Police Services Board meeting minutes – April 21, 2016


June 3
1. Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Legislation Compliance Reporting to the Province
2. Downtown Community Improvement Plan (CIP) 2016 Grant Awards
1. Lyme Disease Resolutions: Huron County, Tay Valley Township, Town of Amherstburg, Township of Gillies, Township of Hornepayne
2. Township of Gillies re: Cutbacks to Behavioural Therapy for Children Affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder
3. Township of Chatham-Kent re: Climate Change Action Plan
4. Township of Chatham-Kent re: Bill 158 (Saving the Girl Next Door Act)
Boards and Committees – none

June 10
1. Provincial/Federal Consultation Protocol (see new Information Items category titled ‘Intergovernmental Consultations’)
2. Michael House Pregnancy Care Centre Tax Exemption
3. Bill 151 – Waste-Free Ontario Act and Strategy for a Waste Free Ontario: Building the Circular Economy
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Inclusionary Zoning

1. Bill 158 Resolutions: Town of Richmond Hill, Township of Minden Hills
2. Lyme Disease Resolutions: Town of Gananoque, Town of Pelham
3. City of Ottawa re: Sitting of Wind Power Projects
4. Town of Gananoque re: Regulation of Fuel Prices
5. Town of Gananoque re: Highway 3 Widening
6. Township of South – West Oxford re: OGRA ROMA Conference
7. Town of Amherstburg re: Cutbacks to Behavioural Therapy for Children Affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder
Boards and Committees
1. Elliot Community Board Resignation – Stephanie Kibbee

June 17
1. Independent electricity system operator’s 2015 annual report
1. Student Affairs, Student Life, Athletics, and the Muslim Students Association: Support for Syrian families
2. City of Hamilton: cutbacks to behavioural therapy for children affected by autism spectrum disorder
Boards and Committees
1. Committee of Adjustment meeting minutes: May 26, 2016
2. Committee of Adjustment meeting minutes: June 9, 2016

June 24
1. 2016 construction: long-term road closure traffic impacts, York Road
Intergovernmental consultations

1. Transfer payment accountability framework
2. Inclusionary zoning
1. Town of Pelham: Ban on door-to-door sales for electricity and natural gas contracts
2. Crime Stoppers newsletter, Q2 2016
Boards and Committees

1. Guelph Police Services Board meeting minutes: May 19, 2016


July 8
1. Community gardens program annual report
2. Guelph Sports Hall of Fame annual report
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Potential municipal asset management planning regulation
2. Aggregate fees received by municipalities
3. Cycling network identification
4. Ontario Municipal Board reform
5. Inclusionary zoning
6. Transfer payment accountability framework
1. Township of West Lincoln: mandatory municipal consent for future renewable energy projects
2. Grand River Conservation Authority 2015 water management action plan: report on actions
Boards and Committees
1. Committee of Adjustment meeting minutes: May 26, 2016
2. Committee of Adjustment meeting minutes: June 9, 2016

July 15
1. 2016 tax capping
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Aggregate fees received by municipalities
2. Cycling network identification
3. Ontario Municipal Board reform
4. Inclusionary zoning
5. Green button policy
6. Intercity bus modernization

1. County of Perth: Ontario Climate Change Action Plan
2. City of Markham: support of Bill 158, Saving the Girl Next Door Act, 2016
3. Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph community health report (2015)
4. City of Quinte West: taxation impact on campgrounds
Boards and Committees – none

July 22
Reports – none
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Cycling Network Identification
2. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
3. Inclusionary Zoning
4. Green Button Policy
5. Intercity Bus Modernization
6. Let’s Talk Housing
7. Federal Government Infrastructure
Correspondence – none
Boards and Committees – none

July 29
Reports – none
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
2. Inclusionary Zoning
3. Intercity Bus Modernization
4. Let’s Talk Housing
5. Federal Government Infrastructure
1. Bill 158, Saving the Girl Next Door Act, 2016 resolutions: City of Orillia, Town of Oakville
Boards and Committees
1. Guelph Police Services Board meeting minutes: June 16, 2016


August 5
1. Bill 73 – Smart Growth for Our Communities Act, 2015; Municipal Implications of Changes to the Planning Act
2. Ontario Regulation 144/16 made under the Climate Change Mitigation and Low-Carbon Economy Act, 2016 (Cap and Trade Program)
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
2. Inclusionary Zoning
3. Intercity Bus Modernization
4. Let’s Talk Housing
5. Federal Government Infrastructure

1. Grand River Conservation Authority: Current, August 2016
Boards and Committees
1. Waste Resource Innovation Centre Public Liaison Committee – Resignation from Skylar Grayson

August 12
Reports – none
Intergovernmental consultations

1. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
2. Inclusionary Zoning
3. Intercity Bus Modernization
4. Let’s Talk Housing
5. Federal Government Infrastructure
Correspondence – none
Boards and Committees – none

August 19
Reports – none
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Open government
2. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
3. Intercity Bus Modernization
4. Let’s Talk Housing
5. Federal Government Infrastructure
 – none
Boards and Committees – none

August 26
Reports – none
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Open government
2. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
3. Federal Government Infrastructure
 – none
Boards and Committees – none


September 2
Reports – none
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
2. Let’s Talk Housing
3. Federal Government Infrastructure
Correspondence – none
Boards and Committees
1. Environmental Advisory Committee – Resignation from Michael Mosco (effective December 16, 2016)

September 9
1. Open Space Planning: capital project variance
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
2. Let’s Talk Housing
3. Federal Government Infrastructure
1. Rogers Communications re: Proposed Wireless Telecommunications Antenna Installation
2. Grand River Conservation Authority: Current, September 2016
Boards and Committees
 – none

September 16
1. Sale of Land – Hanlon Creek Business Park
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
2. Let’s Talk Housing
1. Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Board of Health Highlights, September 2016
Boards and Committees
 – none

September 23
1. 2016 Interim Investment Performance Report
2. External Auditor Performance Review
3. 2016 Audit Committee Work Plan Status Report
4. Litigation Status Report
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Let’s Talk Housing
2. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
 – none
Boards and Committees
1. Water Conservation and Efficiency Public Advisory Committee – Resignation from Bryan Ho-Yan

September 30
1. Elementary School Speed Zones – Update
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Let’s Talk Housing
2. Ontario Municipal Board Reform

1. County of Wellington Social Services Committee Minutes – June 8, 2016 and September 7, 2016
2. Town of Aurora – Resolution regarding Ontario Municipal Board Reform Update
3. Regional Municipality of Halton – Resolution regarding Supplementary
Report – Coordinated Provincial Plan Review
4. City of Belleville – Resolution regarding Agricultural Experts
Boards and Committees – none


October 7
Reports – none
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Let’s Talk Housing
2. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
1. Grand River Conservation Authority: Current, October 2016
2. Ontario Good Roads Association re: Call for Nominations to the Board of Directors
Boards and Committees – none

October 14
1. Annual & Summary Water Services Report Update
2. Update on Federal and Provincial Infrastructure Funding
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Let’s Talk Housing
2. Ontario Municipal Board Reform (updated)
1. Minister of Transportation re: Update – GTA West Corridor Review
2. Grey County re: Provincial Legislation and Hydro One’s Strategy Regarding Hydro Costs
Boards and Committees – none

October 21
1. Wilson Street Parking Structure – Contract # 16-135 Update
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Help Develop Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
2. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
1. Union Gas re: 2017 Natural Gas Rates
Boards and Committees
1. Accessibility Advisory Committee – Resignation from Ruth Russell
2. Guelph Police Services Board Meeting Minutes – September 15, 2016

October 28
1. Tier-1 Projects Q3-2016 Status Update
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Aggregate Resources and Mining Modernization Act
2. Help Develop Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
3. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
1. Township of North Frontenac re: Request for Support for Ontario’s Electrical Bills
Boards and Committees – none


November 4
1. Revised Non-Union Termination Policy
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Aggregate Resources and Mining Modernization Act
2. Help Develop Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
3. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
4. Potential Changes to the Ontario Building Code
Correspondence – none
Boards and Committees – none

November 10
1. Community Energy Initiative – Update
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Climate Change Action Plan: Transportation Sector Discussion Paper on Cycling
2. Aggregate Resources and Mining Modernization Act
3. Help Develop Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
4. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
5. Potential Changes to the Ontario Building Code
6. Basic Income Pilot for Ontario
1. Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Board of Health Highlights, November 2016
Boards and Committees – none

November 18
1. Guelph Transit New Year’s Eve Sponsorship
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Climate Change Action Plan: Transportation Sector Discussion Paper on Cycling
2. Proposed Amendments – Greenhouse Gas Cap and Trade Program
3. Aggregate Resources and Mining Modernization Act
4. Help Develop Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
5. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
6. Potential Changes to the Ontario Building Code
7. Basic Income Pilot for Ontario
1. Township of Bonfield Resolution re: 2015 Pan AM and Parapan AM Games
2. Township of Georgian Bay Resolution re: Hydro Costs for Rural Areas
3. Township of Georgian Bay Resolution re: Accommodation Review Process
4. Township of Madawaska Valley Resolution re: Promoting Affordable Housing Act
Boards and Committees – none

November 25
Reports – none
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Climate Change Action Plan: Transportation Sector Discussion Paper on Cycling
2. Proposed Amendments – Greenhouse Gas Cap and Trade Program
3. Aggregate Resources and Mining Modernization Act
4. Help Develop Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
5. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
6. Potential Changes to the Ontario Building Code
7. Basic Income Pilot for Ontario
1. Township of McKellar Resolution – Funding for Fire Department Infrastructure
Town of Pelham Resolution – Improving Ontario’s Intensive Therapy Funding/Service for Children with Autism
Boards and Committees
1. Guelph Police Services Board Meeting Minutes – October 20, 2016
2. Environmental Advisory Committee – Resignation from Hazel Wheeler
3. Guelph Public Library Board – Resignation from Chantal Vallis
4. The Elliott Board of Trustees – Resignation from Rob Jacobi


December 2
Reports – none
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Proposed Amendments – Greenhouse Gas Cap and Trade Program
2. Aggregate Resources and Mining Modernization Act
3. Help Develop Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
4. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
5. Potential Changes to the Ontario Building Code
6. Basic Income Pilot for Ontario
1. City of Guelph re: MTO Discussion Paper on Cycling Initiatives under the Climate Change Action Plan
2. Grand River Conservation Authority: Grand Actions, November/December 2016
3. Grand River Conservation Authority Planning, Permit and Inquiry Revised Fees (effective January 1, 2017)
4. Tay Valley Township Resolution re: Hydro One’s Strategy Regarding Hydro Costs
5. Tay Valley Township Resolution re: Ontario’s Electrical Bills
Boards and Committees – none

December 9
Reports – none
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Help Develop Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
2. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
3. Potential Changes to the Ontario Building Code
4. Basic Income Pilot for Ontario
5. Proposed Bottled Water Technical Guidance Document
1. City of Guelph: Proposed Amendments to the Aggregate Resources and Mining Modernization Act, 2016
2. Town of Lakeshore Resolution: Accommodation Review Process
3. Town of Richmond Hill Resolution: A Bank for Everyone – Support Postal Banking
4. Crime Stoppers, The Informant, Winter 2016-17
Boards and Committees – none

December 16
1. Indexing of Development Charges
2. Healthy Kids Community Challenge Update
3. Guelph Youth Council Update
4. Guelph Youth Strategy Update
5. Urban Forest Management Plan – Implementation Report
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Help Develop Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan
2. Ontario Municipal Board Reform
3. Potential Changes to the Ontario Building Code
4. Basic Income Pilot for Ontario
5. Proposed Bottled Water Technical Guidance Document

1. Township of Zorra Resolution: Rural Hydro Rates
2. Township of Hornepayne Resolution: Funding for Fire Department Infrastructure
3. Grand River Conservation Authority: Current, December 2016
Boards and Committees – none

December 23
Reports – none
Intergovernmental consultations
1. Ontario Review and Integration of Regional & Rural Business Support Programs
2. Basic Income Pilot for Ontario
3. Proposed Bottled Water Technical Guidance Document
4. Proposed Strategy for a Waste-Free Ontario:  Building the Circular Economy
1. City of Guelph Response to Intergovernmental Consultation: Ontario’s Long Long-Term Energy Plan
2. City of Kingston: Taxation of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages
3. Association of Municipalities of Ontario: AMO’s 2017-18 Strategic Objectives
Boards and Committees – none