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We protect our environment
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We feel well
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We move around freely
Every voice matters
April 2019
The City embarked on a year-long citizen engagement and listening process. Community members were invited to provide input at a variety of events and in diverse ways—surveys, focus groups, casual discussions, targeted workshops and on social media.
Guelph as a village of 100 people
April 2019
This easy-to-digest summary document captures key data points from sources across the community. It shows you what Guelph looks like as a village of 100 people so that our conversations can be based on key demographics and trends.
Scan of Strategic Plans
March 2019
This process has included identifying and understanding existing goals and priorities across the community so that the Community Plan can reflect and build on what is already happening and clearly identify where the city can go next.
Community Plan Household Telephone Survey Findings
April 2019
A telephone survey of 600 Guelph residents found that community cares about the environment and the well-being of each other, and that there is still work for us to do. View a geographic map or the open data set.
Economic sector workshop summary
November 5, 2018
A Community Plan workshop with local business leaders to gain their perspective of business and the economy in Guelph.
2nd Business sector workshop summary
January 29, 2019
A Community Plan workshop with local business leaders to gain their perspective of business and the economic sector in Guelph.
Environment sector workshop summary
December 6, 2018
A Community Plan workshop with local environmentalist groups and leaders to gain their perspective on the importance of preserving and including the environment in the development of Guelph’s Community Plan.
Social, health and education sector workshop summary
November 23, 2018
A Community Plan workshop with leaders and community builders from social, health and education sectors to gain their perspective on the role their sectors will play in developing Guelph’s future.
Arts and culture sector workshop summary
December 18, 2018
A Community Plan workshop with community builders and local arts and culture leaders to gain their perspective on the importance and value of including arts and culture priorities in the development of Guelph’s Community Plan.
Cards for Community
December 6, 2018
A Community Plan workshop with local environmentalist groups and leaders to gain their perspective on the importance of preserving and including the environment in the development of Guelph’s Community Plan.
Community Safety and Well-being Plan
Guelph’s plan focuses on preventing and reducing the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and building resilience; ending chronic homelessness; and creating the conditions for mental well-being for those with problematic substance use. This plan is guided by the need for equity, inclusion, and the elimination of systemic racism in our community.

Gender based violence engagement summary
December 2024
This report details engagement completed throughout 2024 to meaningfully incorporate gender-based violence and intimate partner violence as named priorities within the Community Plan.