On this page
Guelph’s Media Relations Policy
We understand and respect the fact that journalists often work to tight deadlines, and we’ll respond to media inquiries as quickly as possible.
City spokespeople are encouraged to participate in interviews with journalists and/or bloggers who:
- identify themselves and any affiliation they may have with print, broadcast or online media
- conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the Canadian Association of Journalists’ Principles for Ethical Journalism and Ethics Guidelines
Covering Guelph City Council and Committee Meetings
Inside Council chambers, the horseshoe and the area behind the horseshoe are restricted to appointed City officials and members of Council/Committee. Media representatives are not permitted at or behind the horseshoe in Council Chambers without permission.
Do you want more resources?
Please email [email protected] if you’d like to see more resources for reporters posted in the City of Guelph newsroom.