Vision Zero Collision Dashboard

Vision Zero Collision Dashboard

The City’s Vision Zero Collision Dashboard allows community members to get real-time updates on City progress about road safety initiatives. The dashboard also offers a comprehensive overview of annual collision data from the past five years. More information about Vision Zero and an inventory of Vision Zero Key Actions across Guelph can be found at

Collision data presented in the dashboard includes fatal, and injury collisions occurring within the road right-of-way; and excludes any collisions occurring on private property or the Hanlon Expressway (Highway 6). Injury collisions many involve injuries to more than one person. The data is based on closed collision files received from Guelph Police Service up to the date indicated and is subject to change in future updates.

2015-2019 Collision Report2016-2020 Collision Report

2017-2021 Collision Report

Guelph Future Ready Progress Report

Disclaimer – Collision Data Accuracy and Completeness

While the City and Guelph Police Services endeavour to provide accurate information, please note that the information provided may not be complete or current and may contain errors. Accordingly, neither the City nor the Guelph Police Services make any representation as to the accuracy of the information nor its suitability for any purpose and specifically disclaim any liability for any omissions or errors.