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Classroom presentations
City staff offer in-class presentations about water, wastewater and solid waste services.
Water and wastewater (Grade 2 and Grade 8)
From source to tap and tap back to source – your students will learn about Guelph’s fascinating water and wastewater systems, and how they connect to our natural world.
Please note, the City offers separate water and wastewater presentations at both the grade 2 and grade 8 level.
Water and Wastewater Education Program: Grades 2 and 8
Solid waste
Solid Waste Education Program: Grade 5 and 6
Tours of the City’s Water, Wastewater, Stormwater and Solid Waste facilities are available for groups of 10 to 30 students who go to school in Guelph. Tours must be registered in advance. For more information or to get notified of the next public tour, please email your interest to [email protected].
Before you arrive
Tours take approximately 1 hour and all participants must sign the City of Guelph Tour Facility Release Form before arriving.
- All participants must wear long pants, close-toed shoes and be dressed for the weather (most tours occur in part of fully outdoors)
- All children must have waiver form signed by a parent or legal guardian
- Children must be in grade 5 or at least 9 years old
- Grades 5 – 6 require one teacher or supervisor for every 10 children
- Grades 7 – 10 require one teacher or supervisor for every 12 children
- Grades 11-12 require one teacher or supervisor for every 15 children
- The City reserves the right to cancel tours at their discretion.
This tour tracks the journey water takes from the aquifer to local homes and businesses. We walk classes through the City’s treatment and distribution process and discuss the staff roles and infrastructure required to supply safe and reliable drinking water to our community.
At the City’s Water Resource Recovery Centre, students will follow the flow of wastewater from the flush of a toilet to the Speed River. Students will walk through the treatment process step by step to see the transformation firsthand. Students will understand that wastewater is far more than meets the eye. It is a resource full of embedded nutrients and energy – resources that we do not let go to waste.
Bring your students out in their neighbourhood and visit one of Guelph’s 120 stormwater management ponds. Learn about how they are built, how they function and the wider importance of stormwater management to our community and our environment, including how the pond helps prevent flooding and improve water quality. Pick the pond closest to your school, or stormwater staff will help to pick a pond to visit together.
Solid Waste
The Waste Resource Innovation Centre tour follows the movement of materials that are discarded into curbside waste carts from beginning to end. Students will see the City’s Material Recovery Facility (MRF) where recyclables from the blue cart are sorted and sold for profit. Students will also enjoy the Education Centre showcasing Guelph’s organic waste processing facility while learning about proper sorting and waste reduction in our everyday lives.
Register today for a tour or in-class presentation
Teachers and other educational leaders are required to register online for tours and in-class presentations.
Once we receive your registration, staff will be in touch to arrange the tour or in-class presentation. Tours and presentations are scheduled based on staff availability. Participating schools and groups must be within Guelph’s city boundary. A tour or presentation request is not confirmed until staff have issued a confirmation email.
Waterloo Wellington Children’s Groundwater Festival
The Waterloo Wellington Children’s Groundwater Festival is an annual week-long event that brings government, industry, and educators together to teach children from the City of Guelph, Wellington County, and Waterloo Region the importance of water and groundwater and their role in protecting and conserving our most important natural resources.
The festival offers hands-on activities, discussions, demonstrations, displays and exhibits for children in grades 2 to 5 that will challenge them to consider the importance of groundwater to them as individuals and to our communities.
For more information about the festival, how to get involved, and to stay up to date on the most recent festival news, visit wwcgf.ca.
H2Awesome! is an annual educational event and celebration of water hosted in collaboration with the Upper Grand District School Board, Wellington Catholic District School Board, and City of Guelph.
Between World Water Day (March 22) and Earth Day (April 22), a series of guest speakers share knowledge and engaging stories, inspiring local students to reflect on the importance of water. For more information or to get involved, email [email protected] or call 519-822-1260 extension 2189 for more info.
Youth badge program
Attention Guelph youth groups. Are you a Scout, Guide, Cadet, or other local youth group or club? Earn up to three badges from the City of Guelph while learning about your local water, wastewater and solid waste resources. Participate in engaging facility tours and complete follow-up activities.
Earn your Guelph Wastewater badge
This challenge will teach you about the wastewater treatment process and the important role you play in the process at home and in the community.
Earn your Guelph Waste badge
This challenge will teach you how to properly sort your garbage, recycling, and organics and how you can reduce the amount of waste you produce at home.
For more information
If you have questions before you register for an in-person tour or presentation, please contact us at [email protected] or call 519-822-1260 extension 2189.