What motivated you to be a part of this project?
I thought it was an important project to remember those who have served in the military or had some association with the military. Not only do I feel strongly about the poppy and what it symbolizes, my 2 grandchildren (Christopher and Emily) call me “Poppy” so it is quite special to me.
What was going through your mind when you were “Sitting in Remembrance” for the project?
I was remembering the people I met during World War 2. I am one of the few veterans left from my regiment and I felt I was representing all of the amazing men and women I worked alongside.
What message do you want to pass along to future generations about your life’s experiences?
While a lot has changed since I was born, 101 years ago, some things have remained the same. One thing I have always lived by… treat others as you would like to be treated. If you do this, you can never go wrong.