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The City is planning improvements to the York Road corridor to address the current and future needs of our growing community. Improvements include widening the road from two to four lanes and adding sidewalks and bike lanes. The York Road Environmental Design Study is the next step toward these road improvements. This study supplements the York Road Environmental Assessment completed in 2007 which identified the improvements to be made.

The area of focus for the study is York Road from Victoria Street to the eastern City limit, east of Watson Road.
Natural and cultural features are important considerations for design. The York Road Environmental Design Study is focused on looking at all aspects of the local environment to establish design requirements. The area of focus for the study is York Road from Victoria Street to the eastern City limit, east of Watson Road. The study will identify a design that ensures minimal impacts on natural and cultural heritage features.
Community engagement is an important part of this project. Engagement includes public open houses and stakeholder meetings or workshops, as well as opportunities for online and written comments and feedback.
For more information
Please contact our study team members if you have questions, comments or would like to be added to the study mailing list.
Steve Chipps, P. Eng.
Project Manager
Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure
905-335-2353 extension 263
[email protected]
The York Road EA was completed to address travel needs along York Road from Wyndham Street to the eastern City limit, east of Watson Road.
The preferred improvements to York Road from Victoria Road to the eastern City limit identified by the York Road EA include widening the road to four lanes and adding on-road bike lanes and sidewalks as follows:
- Widening York Road from two to four traffic lanes
- Adding a bicycle lane (1.5 metres wide), sidewalk, curb and gutter on the north side
- Adding a bicycle lane (1.5 metres wide) and shoulder on the south side of York Road
- Adding sidewalk, curb and gutter from Victoria Road to the Elizabeth Street intersection, and from the entrance at 919 York Road to the eastern City limits
- Adding traffic lights at the intersection of York Road and Elizabeth Street, adding a southbound left-turn lane and realigning Elizabeth Street to meet York Road at 90 degrees (perpendicular)
- Closing the Beaumont Crescent entrances onto York Road (properties along Beaumont Crescent and Cityview Drive will access York Road via Elizabeth Street)
2019 York Road Environmental Design Study – Environmental Impact Assessment2019 York Road Environmental Design Study – Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment2017 Report: Draft Environmental Impact Study (EIS) York Road Environmental Design2017 Figures: Draft Environmental Impact Study (EIS) York Road Environmental Design2017 Appendices: Draft Environmental Impact Study (EIS) York Road Environmental DesignReport: Draft Heritage Impact Assessment York Road Environmental Design StudyAppendices: Draft Heritage Impact Assessment York Road Environmental Design Study
Executive Summary: York Road Class Environmental Assessment
Report: York Road Class Environmental Assessment
Figures: York Road Class Environmental Assessment
The York Road Environmental Design Study is focused on looking at all aspects of the local environment—natural, physical and social—and will confirm existing conditions.
The planned improvements to York Road will require that part of Clythe Creek is moved. This provides an opportunity to make improvements to the aquatic habitat that includes improving water quality, increasing plant life and removing weirs which are a barrier to fish.
The recommendations of the York Road EA that affect Clythe Creek and drainage systems include:
- Extending the Clythe Creek culvert by approximately 6.5 metres
- Realigning approximately 135 metres of Clythe Creek stream channel
- Improving runoff filtration and fish habitat through riparian plantings
These details will be reassessed and confirmed or updated as part of the study.
Natural environment studies will include observation and data collection on terrestrial (the natural structure of the land), biological (plants and animals) and hydrological (creek flow, temperature and clarity) features
Physical environment or geological studies will include flood modelling and erosion mitigation.
Cultural heritage studies will look at the built landscape including man-made water features, bridges and stone walls.
Community engagement is an important part of the study. The City will host open houses, stakeholder meetings or workshops and provide additional opportunities for feedback through online surveys or written comments.
Open houses
Community members will be invited to participate in public open houses. Open houses will provide an opportunity to learn about the study and provide comments to the study team. These sessions provide a valuable opportunity for City and the consultant team to hear from neighbourhood residents and the wider Guelph community, as well as review agencies (e.g. the Ministry of the Environment and Climate change) and other interested individuals and groups (e.g. Aboriginal communities, developers, etc.)
Information about open houses and opportunities to provide comments will be posted to the Latest updates feed below.
Open house information, May 2019Open house information, February 2016Open house comment form, February 2016
Stakeholder meetings
Groups, businesses and individuals from the local community including the Yorklands Green Hub and neighbourhood groups, will be invited to attend one or more community meetings. These meetings will provide local stakeholders an opportunity to ask questions and discuss concerns, opportunities or challenges related to the study and the future widening of York Road. Stakeholders may self-identify and request to be informed throughout the study by contacting the study team members listed above.
Related information
The planned York Road improvements are aimed at meeting the future needs of our community, taking into account the natural environment, community safety, transportation needs and future development opportunities. There are other projects, initiatives and properties in the local area that are not part of this study however, they will require consideration as the study moves ahead. For example, future development may affect needs for water, wastewater and stormwater services.