Exhibition Park neighbourhood infrastructure improvements

Project overview

The City of Guelph is exploring options to address infrastructure upgrades required in the Exhibition Park neighbourhood. This includes upgrades to sanitary sewers, watermains, stormwater sewers, and surface works identified in the Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan, the Stormwater Management Master Plan, and through asset management planning.

The preliminary design will involve collecting field information (i.e. a topographic survey and soil information), evaluating design alternatives, and presenting documentation that can be carried forward in subsequent detailed design and construction projects.

Map of project area

A map showing the outline of the study area. The area includes the streets surrounding Exhibition Park, specifically Exhibition Street, Kathleen Street, Division Street, London Road, and Glasgow Street

What’s happening this fall?

This fall, the City’s contractors will continue collecting topographic survey, legal survey, and underground utility information. The City will also be performing soil investigations by drilling boreholes and installing monitoring wells throughout October.

How can I get involved?

For more information

To provide your comments, request additional information, be added to the project mailing list, or for any other items related to this project, please contact:

Colleen Gammie
Infrastructure Planning Engineer
Engineering and Transportation Services
519-822-1260 extension 2282
[email protected]